-Thomas Sangster- •Player•

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Thomas POV
"Will you call me?" She asked. I leaned against my headboard with my hands behind my head.
"Of course, Darling! Go before your parents get worried." I said.
She giggled and blows me a kiss before walking out of my room.
As soon as the door was closed I groaned and deleted her phone number. There was a knock on my door. "Yes?" I said. The door opened and Ava stepped in. "Put some clothes on, please." She said. I smirked at her. "What? Do you mind?" I said. She throws a package of sweets in my face. "I went to the store." She said.
"Thank you," I said as she walked out. I opened the package and ate some sweets before getting up. I walked towards my closet and got dressed in something comfortable. I grabbed the bag of sweets and walked out of my room.
"Mom and Dad asked us if we wanted pizza tonight," Ava said as I walked into the kitchen.
"Pizza's fine," I said and kissed her temple. She smiled slightly. "What's up?" I asked her. She shrugged.
"I feel kind of bad for that girl." She said. "Why?" I chuckled and grabbed a bottle of water from the fridge. My sister shrugged again. "I don't know." She said. I leaned against the counter. "If this is your way of telling me I should stop doing this, it's not working," I tell her.
She glares at me. "Why do you do it?" She asked me. I shrugged. "Who cares? I see a nice girl, flirt a little, take her out on a date, I have my pleasure and I'll never have to see her again." I explain. She folds her arms over her chest.
"Just wait. One day, there are going to be consequences for your actions." She said. I chuckled and took a sip of my water. "Sure, Ava. Be a good little sister and try to not stick your nose into my business." I said. She huffed annoyed and left the kitchen. "Love you too!" I called after her.

*Time Skip*

"I did not expect to see such a pretty girl in the school library," I said. Instead of blushing, like every other girl before her, she rolls her eyes at me.
She walked towards another shelve. She jumped up trying to grab a book from the top shelve but couldn't. I chuckled slightly and hand her the book.
"I don't need your help, fuckboy." She said. She was about to walk away, but I took her hand in mine. "What did you just call me?" I asked her.
"You heard me, or did your hearing get damaged from all the screams in your ear last night?" She asked me. I raised my eyebrow.
"I don't know what you're talking about. And how dare you call me a fuckboy!" I said raising my voice slightly. She rolled her eyes at me again and pushed me out of the way. "I'm trying to ask you out on a date here," I said to her. She shrugged.
"Not interested." She said and walked towards one of the tables. Well, that's new. I walked after her and sat next to her.
"Really? Not even a little bit? I mean...look at me." I chuckled. She rolled her eyes and opened her bag getting out a notebook. "Still not interested." She said. Did I just get rejected? I chuckled awkwardly.
"I think you misunderstood me, so I'll say it again. Do you want to go on a date after school?" I asked her. She glanced at me. "And maybe you misunderstood me. Not. Interested." She said and opened her notebook. I run my hand through my hair.
"Listen, you can't reject me," I tell her. "I just did. Do you want me to do it again?" She asked. I smirked a little as I realize what she's doing.
"Playing hard to get, huh? That's cool, I'll play along." I said. She laughed a little. "I'm not playing hard to get, Sangster. I'm just not interested in you or your games." She said. I sighed. "Alright, your loss, Virgin." He said.
I stood up and glanced at her. She looked up at me. "At least I don't have an STD." She said. "I don't have an STD!" I argued causing her to chuckle.
"Are you sure? Maybe you should take a test to find out. Bye-bye, Sangster." She said. I groaned and walked out of the library. "You thought she was going to accept your offer?" I heard Ava's voice next to me. I glared at her. "What do you want, Ava?" I asked her.
"To laugh at you. Y/n is the sassiest girl I know. Did you actually-" "Yes I did. So what? Every girl in school drools over me, what did you expect?" I asked her.
"You to flirt with her, which would lead to you getting sassed out by the female Minho. Thomas, she's my best friend." She laughed.
I raised my eyebrow. "Who's Minho?" I ask her. She shrugged and petted my hair. "You'll find out." She said."Whatever, I'll find someone else." I said. Ava shrugs.
"You do you. Y/n's coming over by the way." She said. My eyes widened slightly. "What?! No, she can't! Not after what just happened!" I said. She laughs. "Not my problem, Tommy." She said and walked away.

~Thomas Brodie Sangster Imagines~ Book 2Where stories live. Discover now