-Newt- •Just Friends•

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Your POV
Minho and I stood in the map room. Newt was standing outside, waiting for me and Minho to come back out. When I walked back out Newt turned to me "Hey, Y/n." He said. I smiled "Hey Newt." I said. He blushed and scratched the back of his neck "Have you found anything?" He asked. I shook my head "Nope. I am so tired! And tomorrow I have to run that stupid thing again." I sigh. Newt shrugs "You wanted to be a runner." He said.
I chuckled "True, true." I said. I honestly wasn't feeling like running through that maze again tomorrow. I haven't had a day off since last week. I just want one day to rest! An idea popped up in my head. I turned to Newt "Hey, Newt?" I said. He turned to me "Y-Yes Y/n?" He stuttered. I smiled and stepped closer to him "You are my friend right?" I asked him.
He looked kind of shocked "A-Are we?" He stuttered. I giggled "Yes we are! And friends do each other favors sometimes, right?"  I asked him. He shrugged "I guess." He said. I took a deep breath "Newt, can you ask Alby if I can have a day off tomorrow?" I asked him. He bit his bottom lip "Uh...I don't know Y/n. I don't think Alby would agree to that." He said.
I started to pout "Please, Newt? You can tell Alby you want to keep me here because I'm feeling a little sick or something like that." I said. He scratched the back of his neck "B-But that would be lying. I don't want to betray Alby's trust." He said. I also put on my puppy eyes. He blushed "Alright, I'll ask him." He said. "Really?! Thank you so much!" I said and kissed his cheek, "I owe you." I said. I know Newt has a crush on me, and sometimes I like to take a little advantage of him and his position in the glade.
Newt blushed bright red and glanced down at his feet "I-I have to go." He stutters. I smiled at him "Okay, I'll see you later!" I said and kissed his cheek before walking back into the map room to check on Minho. As soon as I closed the door, Minho glared at me. "What?" I asked him. He shrugged "Why are you taking advantage of him? You know he's trying to gather his courage to ask you out, why treat him like shit?" He asked me.
I folded my arms over my chest "I don't treat him like shit. I just ask him for favors sometimes. I'm sorry but I can't run through that maze every single day." I said. Minho shrugged "So what? If Alby finds out you will be sleeping in the slammer for a while." He assured me. I rolled my eyes at him "Whatever Min." I said. Together we walked out of the map room, "Just don't do anything stupid." Minho tells me. I smiled "Of course not." I said.

*Time Skip*

I sat in the kitchen with Frypan. "Are you ever going to teach me how to make this stew?" I asked him. He chuckled "Not until you tell me how you're getting days off." He said. I giggled "That's a girl secret." I tell him. He continued to eat his stew "So what's going on between you and Newtie boy?" He asked. I just looked at him with a confused expression on my face.
He chuckled "Oh come on girl, you ain't gonna tell me nothing is going on between you two." He said. I shrugged "Not really." I admitted. He puts down his bowl "You're lying. The two of you are super flirty with each other, and you're telling me there is nothing there?" He asked me. I shook my head "There is nothing between us, Fry." I tell him.
The door opened and Gally walked in "Hey Fry, got some more stew?" He asked. Frypan nodded and refilled his bowl "Gally, can I ask you something?" He asked. Gally nodded "Something is going on between this shank and Newtie boy back there, right?" Fry asked him.
I rolled my eyes at them "Of course there is! Why? Is girly annoying you with her Newt stories?" Gally laughed. I groan "Nothing is going on between us! He's my friend, that's all!" I said. Fry and Gally look at me "Ooo, denial! Why hide it, girl?" Fry asked. "Yeah! You're lying!" Gally said. I rolled my eyes again "I'm not lying!" I said.
I jumped off the counter and walked towards the door, but Gally pulled me back "Running off to your boyfriend?" He teased. I ripped my arm out of his grip and walked away.
I bumped into Newt on my way to my cabin "S-Sorry Y/n." He stuttered. I smiled at him "It's okay, Newt, I wasn't paying attention." I tell him. He looked at me "Y-You look annoyed. Is s-something wrong?" He asked me sweetly. I shrugged "I love everyone but sometimes you boys can be really annoying." I tell him. He scratched the back of his neck, not saying anything.
I put my hand on his cheek "I wasn't talking about you. You're a sweetie." I tell him. What? He's cute! Newt continued to blush bright red "Have you talked to Alby yet?" I asked him. He nodded "Y-Yeah. He said y-you could stay here tomorrow. You c-can work in the gardens with me." He stuttered. I smiled "I would like that. Thanks Newt." I said and hugged him. 

*The Next Day*

I stood in the garden with Newt. I enjoyed spending more time with him. Some of the other guys were teasing us. Even Alby dropped some teasing comments. I shrugged them off and continued to work. I struggled with a couple of things but lucky for me Newt was there to help me. "Newt, can you help me here?" I asked him.
He nodded and stands behind me. He puts his hands on mine and helps me. I heard some of the boys around us started to cheer and clap and stuff like that.
I glare at them "Ugh! Stop it! We're just friends!" I yelled. Newt removes his hands and backs up "I'm sorry, Y/n." He said. I turned to him "It's not your fault. They just...ugh!" I said and walked away "Where are you going?" Newt asked
 I sigh "To my cabin! No one can bother me there!" I said. I should've gone with Minho this morning. I run into my cabin and jumped onto my bed. I was so annoyed!
Why do they have to be this annoying! Newt and I are just friends! He's cute and all...and I wouldn't mind being more than friends...but we're friends! Why can't they just see that?! I heard a knock on my door "Y-Y/n?" I heard on the other side of the door.
I sat up "C-Can I come i-in?" He stuttered. I sighed "Sure, Newt." I said. The door opened and Newt stepped inside. He looked down at his hands "I'm sorry about the others." He said. I sigh "You can't help it. I'm just glad you're not a Slinthead like them." I tell him.
He steps forward and sits down on my bed in front of me. I smiled at him "I'm sorry I put you in this position, Newt." I said. He shrugged "I've gotten pretty used to it. Clearly you haven't." He said. I shrugged "Not really no. They're just really annoying." I tell him.
He scoots a little closer to me "Don't worry about it. You can always come to me when they're bothering you." He said. I smiled and hugged him "Thank you, Newt. I was wrong before, you're not just my friend. You're my best friend." I said. He smiled and wrapped his arms around me as well "Y/n, I have to tell you something." He said. I sat back down on my bed and looked at him "I-I have a-a-" He stuttered. I smiled at how cute he was "You have a crush on me?" I asked him. His eyes widen "W-What?" He said. I blushed a little "Minho told me." I tell him. He blushed bright red "Can't keep your mouth shut can you Min?" He whispered to himself. I cupped his cheeks in my hands "I' happy he told me." I said before pecking his lips. He was speechless. I giggled and bit my bottom lip "Yes!" He whispered and pulled me back into another kiss.

*Time Skip*

Newt POV
"So, you and Y/n huh?" Thomas smirked. I blushed slightly "What about it?" I asked him. He smirked "Oh you know." He said and made kissy faces. I smiled "I wish." I told him. Y/n and I decided to keep it a secret to avoid more teasing comments. We stood at one of the doors waiting for Y/n and Minho to come back. 
It has been a weird day today, it had rained for about an hour, and the sun is still hiding behind the gray clouds. The doors could close any second and there is no sign of them anywhere.
Thomas looks at me "Can't we send someone after them?" He asked me. I shake my head "We can't risk losing anyone else." I tell him. We look back at the doors. They started to close... Then Thomas pointed towards Y/n and Minho who were running towards the exit.
Everyone started to yell and scream for them to run as fast as they could. I look at Y/n, come on girl you can do it! The doors were so close! But Y/n and Minho ran through just in time! Y/n collapsed into my arms. I wrapped my arms around her "Oh my god! I thought I'd lost you." I tell her. She panted but smiled at me "I'll always make my way back to you." She tells me. I smiled at her "You have no idea how badly I want to kiss you right now." I whispered. She smiled and pulled me closer kissing me passionately.
I pulled back and smiled at her "I love you." I whispered. She smiled at me "Just friends, huh?" Fry said next to us. Gally chuckled "Yeah! Nothing's going on, she said." He teased. I chuckled and picked up Y/n "Leave her alone." I tell them

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