-Jake Murray- •Girl Friend•

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Jake POV
I unlocked the front door of my house. Y/n followed up behind me. My mother and grandmother were in the living room "Jake, is that you?" My mother asks "Yes mom!" I say and walk into the living room towards the kitchen. Y/n followed me "Hello! Jake, who's your friend?" My mother asks me. I smile and look at Y/n "This is Y/n, she's going to help me study." I tell my mother. She smirks a little "Studying huh?" She says. I sigh "Mom, it's not like that. She's my friend, just my friend." I tell her. She laughs "Of course, I hope this will help you get your grades up." She says. I grab us two bottles of water before heading upstairs to my room. I closed the door and lock it "You don't trust your mom do you?" She asks "Nope." I laugh and sit on my bed next to her "Should we start with Math?" I suggest. She nods and opens her books. We joke around a little as we do our homework and study. I do not regret asking her to come study with me.
Y/n is a beautiful and smart girl, every guy in the school either wants to date her or be her study buddy. Well, here we are, studying.

*Time Skip*

I groan, we have been studying for about an hour now. I close my books "What are you doing? We aren't finished yet." She says. I throw our books off my bed "I am." I tell her and press my lips against hers. She pushes me away "Jake, your mom and grandmother are downstairs." She says "So?" I ask her. She giggles "They don't know about us, silly. I thought you wanted to keep it that way." She says "I do, it's not like I'm making you scream my name, I'm just kissing you." I smirk and pin her arms above her head and continue to kiss her. The kiss got a little heated and she got on top of me and started to kiss my neck. Oh right, I am in a secret relation ship with the most beautiful girl in school and yeah she's helping me with my homework and studying.

Jake's mom POV {Mo}
I was watching TV with mom in our living room. Jake was upstairs with a girl. Kinda makes me wonder what they could be doing up there. I look at my mom "What do you think they could be doing up there?" I ask her. She looks at me "Studying." She says "For one hour straight? A boy and a girl?" I laugh. Mom laughs too "I don't know, maybe they just started talking or something." She says. That's when we heard groaning from upstairs "I don't think they're just talking." I say. More sounds started to come from upstairs, I even heard her say 'Jake' in a weird way a couple of times. I get up from the couch "Where are you going?" Mom asks me "To stop this. He's just a boy." I say and walk up the stairs.

Jake POV
My hands were all over her body.  She was unbuttoning my shirt as we kissed. I broke our kiss when I heard footsteps "Shit!" I whisper yell "Quick, put your shirt back on." She does as I tell her. I unlocked my door and sat back down on my bed with my books on my lap. My mother walked into my room "Oh." She said sounding disappointed "What's wrong, mom?" I ask her "I thought I heard some strange noises." She said. I looked at Y/n "I was tickling her so she would give me the answer." I tell her. She nods and leaves again. I throw away my books again and pull Y/n onto my lap "Now, where were we?" I smirk and kiss her again.

~Thomas Brodie Sangster Imagines~ Book 2Where stories live. Discover now