-Romulus Augustus- •Silly Girl•

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Romulus POV
"Good morning, my love." I said as my maid walked in. She giggled "Good morning, Romulus." She smiled. She opened the curtains making me groan as loud as I could.
She glanced over her shoulder "What's wrong?" She asked me teasingly. I looked at her "I don't want to get up yet." I tell her. She smiled and sat on the edge of my bed "Romulus, you have to get up. Some very important people are waiting for you in the throne room." She tells me.
I glance at my crown and back at her. Then back at the crown and back to her again, "I prefer staying here with you." I say. She giggled again and grabbed my crown and put it on my head "They don't care. You have to do your emperor's job. No arguing." She said.
I grab the crown and put it on her head instead "You be emperor." I said and lied back on my bed. She giggled "It does look good on me." She said. I looked up slightly and nodded "It does. Go, almighty empress! The people need you!" I said. She takes off the crown and lies on top of me "But they need their true leader. Please, almighty emperor, help the people!" She said.
I chuckled "Fine, fine, I'll go." I said, "On one condition." I tell her and sit up straight. She rolled her eyes "And what might that be?" She asked.
I leaned forward "A kiss, my love. Come on, just one little peck on the lips." I smirked. She folded her arms over her chest "The cheek." She argued. I shook my head "No no no, my love, lips." I said and closed my eyes leaning in. I heard her giggle again and she kissed me on the cheek. I opened my eyes and pulled her back before she could leave. I kissed her on her lips. She smiled into the kiss and pushed me off "Alright, you got two kisses, are you coming?" she asked.
I shrugged "I still don't feel like it." I said. She groans and stands up from the bed.
She suddenly grabbed one of my legs and tried to pull me off my bed. I gripped my sheets as tightly as I could "No! My love, please, don't do this to me!" I whined.
She pulled me off my bed "There are people waiting for you! Now get dressed!" She said and left my room leaving me sitting alone on the floor. I groan and stood up.
Y/n then walked back into the room and took the crown putting it back on "I'm keeping this." She said and left. I chuckled "Silly Girl."

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