-Thomas Sangster- •Bad Sleepover•

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Third-person POV

Ready for the sleepover?

Yeah! I am super excited!
What time should I come over?

Idk. 5 p.m.? You can stay for
dinner at my house

I don't know...maybe I should come later,
I don't think it's such a good idea

What? Why not?

Your brother...😰

He won't be there! He's with
his friends. Pls🥺🙏

Okay!😘 I'll be there in ten minutes?

Can't wait!!😘

Ava put away her phone and rushed out of her room towards her brother's room. She knocked on the door "What?" Her brother said. Ava opened the door "I need you to leave." She told her brother. He chuckled "No! Why would I?" He asked. "Y/n's coming over. I need you to stay the night at Dylan's place." She says. Thomas sits up "Oh so because the nerd is coming over I have to leave my own house?" He asked her. Ava shrugs "You're bullying her! So either stop doing that, like I've been telling you for months, or get out!" She says. Thomas stood up and walked to his door "Nah." He says, "Bye-bye, Ava." He closes the door and smiled to himself "Stupid girls." He says and flops back down on his bed

Your POV
I put some clothes in my backpack and rush to the bathroom. I grab my toothbrush, toothpaste, and my hairbrush. I walk downstairs to the kitchen and grab a bottle of water "Where are you going?" My mother asked me. I look at her "Sleepover at Ava's place." I tell her. She looks at me worried "Honey, I don't think that's such a good idea. With her brother and-" "Mom, I'll be fine." I tell her and kiss her cheek "Love you! See you tomorrow!" I say walking out of the door.

Ava and I have been best friends for as long as I can remember. Sadly, her brother and I never got along. He was always mean towards me. I've started to ignore him eventually so his words don't hurt me anymore. My parents know about it, and they've tried to fix it, but it didn't work. Thomas doesn't listen. He doesn't even listen to his own parents! Oh well, I'm having a sleepover with my best friend and he won't be there to bother us! We can watch movies all night, read silly fan fiction, eat lots of candy! It's going to be the best sleepover ever!

This is going to be the worst sleepover ever! "Thomas!" I yell as I keep banging on the door, "Thomas!!" I yell. He opens his door "What?! I'm busy." He tells me. I glared at him "I need you to get out!" I tell him. He chuckles "No way, I am not leaving." He says. I push him aside and sit on his bed "Ava get out, and stop telling me to get out because I'm not leaving!" He says. I laugh "Why not? Are you afraid of not sleeping in your own bed? Will you miss Mr. Scuffle too much?" I tease him and hold up Mr. Scuffle. He has this cute teddy bear, he has had it since he was a baby, and it has never left his side. No one but mom, dad, and I know about it. He's embarrassed. He grabbed the bear out of my hands "Don't touch him. And I can sleep without him." He says acting all tough. "Really?" I asked him. I took the bear out of his hands "Then you won't mind Y/n knowing about this right? She might keep him." I smirked. He pouts and rips the bear out of my hands "Mine!" He says and kicks me out of his room.

There was a knock on the door. I groan and rush downstairs and open the door "Y/n!" I smile. She smiles back and hugs me "I'm so glad to be out of the house for a couple of hours. My parents can be super annoying." She says, "And I'm super glad Thomas isn't here so we can have fun without him bothering us." She says and drops her bag in our hallway. I don't mind, she's like the sister I never had. "Yeah, about that." I started. Y/n turned to me "He's still here?" She asked me. I sigh "I'm sorry, I tried to make him leave but he wouldn't!" I tell her. She groans "Why did you lie?" She asked me. I shrugged "Mom and Dad aren't home and I have been stuck at home with him for a couple of hours, and you know what he's like!" I tell her, "I just wanted you to come over." I admit.

~Thomas Brodie Sangster Imagines~ Book 2Where stories live. Discover now