-Thomas Sangster- •A good father?•

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A/N: This was requested by SeleneIceDragon. I hope I did well. It's short but I hope you like it!

Your POV
I lied on the couch and looked at Thomas. He was sitting behind his desk with his hands in tangled in his hair. Ever since he knocked me up he's been acting very paranoid. I haven't seen the front yard for a couple of weeks. Every time I want to go outside Thomas pushes me into the back yard. Just so he can keep an eye on me and make sure nothing happens. He's been super overprotective and careful with me like my stomach can break or something. Right now he's worried about the money "Thomas, honey, could you please take a break?" I ask him "Why, Darling? We have so many things to do." He says. I get up from the couch and walk up behind him "Tommy, it's alright. We can do all of this tomorrow, but right now you need to relax." I tell him. He glances at me over his shoulder "No, I'll take care of this and you relax." He tells me. 

I chuckle "Tommy, I don't need to rest all the time." I tell him. He gets up from his chair "But, Baby, you're pregnant." he reminds me "One month." I laugh and wrap my arms around his neck. He picks me up and lies me on the couch again "You rest." He says and walks back to his chair. I get back up and sit on his lap "Why are you worrying so much?" I ask him. He sighs and wraps his arms around me "I just...what if I'm a bad father? I just want to do everything right." He admits. I kiss him briefly "Tommy, I'm sure you're going to be a great father! Not doubt." I tell him "I doubt that." he chuckles "I'm sorry for being paranoid." he apologizes. I smile "It's alright, you're just being protective. You're too sweet." I say and kiss him. He breaks our kiss and brushes some hair out of my face "You're beautiful." he says quietly. I blush "I want a cuddle." I say. He chuckles and lies on the couch with me on top of him "Happy girl?" "Very happy girl." 

~Thomas Brodie Sangster Imagines~ Book 2Where stories live. Discover now