-Donald Clarke- •Need you here with me•

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Donald POV
My mother groaned loudly and left the room. Another day, another argument with my parents. I heard my parents yell and scream at each other in the hallway. It was like they had forgotten I was there. I sigh and grab my phone...

Hey Baby, you there?

👑Baby Girl❤:
Yeah I'm here, what's up?

Parents are fighting again😞

👑Baby Girl❤:
Oh maybe I can cheer you up

👑Baby Girl❤:
*Send a picture*
(Of you smiling)


👑Baby Girl❤:
How are you feeling btw?

Like shit

👑Baby Girl❤:
Do you want me to come

No, I can't ask you to do
that for me. It's late, I don't
want you to get hurt

👑Baby Girl❤:
I won't. I'll be there in
a few! Bye❤


I smiled a little as I read the texts. Y/n is the best thing that has ever happened to me. My parents don't like her, I still don't understand why. She doesn't smoke, she's polite, she doesn't swear, she only cuddles me when I need it the most. She's there for me when I need her, and yet, my parents don't like her. My father entered my room "Are you alright?" He asks. I sigh and look up at the dealing from my hospital bed "I'm dying, my girlfriend is coming over and I am afraid something might happen, but why would you care? All you care about is my life, update, I don't have a life anymore! It's gone! I'm already dead anyway so could everyone please stop asking me how I'm feeling because I'm not okay!! Dying isn't okay!" I snapped at him. He walks out leaving me alone in the room. I stared outside the window. I wanted to cry, but I can't. I will not show any weaknesses. The door of my room opened again. A girl with Y/h/c walked inside and took off her coat. She sits down on the bed next to me. She smiles weak "No one else is here." She said quietly. Tears started to roll down my cheeks. I bury my head into the crook of her neck "I don't want to die. I want to be here, with you." I say between sobs. She kisses me briefly "You will survive this. I'm sure if it." She said.

A/N: short I know. Sorry but I didn't have much time to write it. Hope you enjoyed it!

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