-Donald Clarke- •Sick with you•

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Your POV
I sat in my hospital bed writing in my notebook. My eyes slowly trailed up looking at Donald who sat on his bed on the other side of the room. I glance back down at my writing. "What are you writing?" Donald asked me. I shrugged "The next chapter." I tell him. He chuckled and grabbed his sketchbook. We didn't like each other, but we didn't hate each other either. He glanced up at me "Aren't you getting your results today?" He asked me. I nodded not looking up from my notebook, "Why?" I asked him. He shrugs "I don't know. I kind of enjoyed having a 'roommate' here. It'll be very quiet if you're gone." He said.
I look up at him "It'll be a long time before I get out of here. Survivor or not." I tell him. He shrugs "True. But I don't know if I'll like it when you leave." He said. I put my notebook down for a minute "Did you just say you're going to miss me?" I asked him. He glared at me "No! No, of course not! Why would I say that?" He asked. I giggled "You are going to miss me! Just admit it." I say as I continued to laugh. He shook his head "I won't miss you...it'll be quiet without you." He said. I laughed "Sure, whatever Don." I said. The doctor walked into the room "Ms. Y/l/n, we have some exciting news." He said. I looked at him "Do you have the results?" I asked him.
He nodded "You will survive. You will have to stay here for a month and then you will be free to go." He said smiling. I smiled back "Thank you so much!" I said. He nodded and left the room. I looked at Donald "Do you miss me already?" I joked. He glares at me "Shut up." He laughed, "Congrats." he said. I smiled and slowly got up from my bed and sat down on his.

*Three Months Later*

"Mom! I'm going to the hospital to visit Donald!" I called as I put on my coat. My mother walked towards me "Alright." She said and kissed my cheek. I smiled and walked out of the door. I've been home for about two months now and I love it. I'm cured! But sadly Donald isn't. I visit him two days a week and bring him some comics and stuff like that. I actually started to like him a while ago. It's just a little crush, and I know he doesn't feel the same way. So I just ignore my feelings for him and be a good friend.

I knocked on the door of our former shared room. "Come in." Donald said. I walked into the room "Hey." I said. He smiled as he saw me "Look who finally decided to show up." He chuckled. I walked over to his bed and sat down "Have you heard anything yet?" I asked him. He shook his head and looked down at his lap "I'm happy you're here though." he said. I hugged him "Of course. I can't wait for you to get out of here so we can just hang out." I tell him. He nods "Yeah. I made another drawing by the way." He said.
He showed me his sketchbook. He had drawn a beautiful cartoon of a girl that looked very similar to me. He blushed slightly "It's you. As a superhero." He said shyly. I smiled at him "It's so cool! When you're better you should really start to make your own comics." I tell him. He shrugs "I'm not that good with stories." He said, "I'm okay with writing plotlines for a character but not a whole storyline." He admitted. I shrug "I can help with that." I tell him. He smiled "You would do that? That would be so cool!" He said excitedly. I smiled "I'm looking forward to it." I said.
He pointed at the paper "There is something on it...on the back...I want you to know. Even though I might get bad news, I want you to know." He said. I turned the page and looked at the back. 'I like you' was written on the page.
I smiled at him "I like you too." I tell him. He looks at me "No you don't understand...I mean...I like you." He said. I giggled "I know what you meant." I said and hugged him "I like you too." I said. Our hug was interrupted by the doctor walking in "Mr. Clarke, we have good and bad news." He said. "The bad news is that you will have to go through another surgery and will have to recover here for two more months." The doctor said, "The good news is that after that surgery you will be fully cured." He said. Donald nodded "Thank you." He said. The doctor smiled and left the room. I turned to Donald "Congrats." I said. He smiled and hugged me tightly "Seems like I don't have to miss you anymore." He said

*Six months later*

"Y/n! Y/n!" Donald called behind me. I turned around "What's up?" I asked him. He smiled "You forgot two things at my house this morning." He said. I raised one of my eyebrows "Really?" I asked him. He nodded and handed me my favorite pen "I know you get your best ideas when you write with that one." he said. I smiled "Thank you, but you said I forgot two things." I said. He nodded and kissed me briefly "That's also something you forgot." He said. I giggled "You could've called me back when I left." I tell him. He shrugs "I like to show off at school, you know that." He said. I nodded "Yes I do. Now go or you'll be late for class." I tell him. He nods and kisses my forehead "Love you!" He said. I smiled "Love you too, idiot." I giggled and walked to class.

~Thomas Brodie Sangster Imagines~ Book 2Where stories live. Discover now