-Thomas Sangster- •Bully Bad Boy pt.2•

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Thomas POV
That bitch! I expected her to speak up, but no! She's a teacher's pet, she could've gone away with it. Not me! And she knows that.  She's going to pay for this! I sat in the empty classroom with the teacher sitting at his desk. He looked on his computer and licked his bottom lip. I tilt my head slightly "Watching Porn there?" I asked him. He glared at me "What?" He asked. I smirked "Porn? Is it good?" I ask him quite seriously. He looks back at his screen "That's two weeks of detention, Mr. Sangster." He says. I sigh and slide down in my chair. That's when I heard a loud noise coming from the hallways.

My teacher looks up "What could that be?" he said. I shrug "Don't know, maybe you should check." I tell him. He stood up "I will." He says. I smirk knowing Dylan was probably the one who was making those noises. I always sneak out of detention when the teachers go to check. So when the teacher left the classroom I pick up my backpack and walk to the door. When I tried to open it didn't open...as hard as I pulled or pushed it just wouldn't open. "Shit!" He locked me in here! That's when the door started to open slightly. I smiled "Thank god, I thought I was- Nerd?" I say. 

She looks to her left "Come on." She whispers. I get out of the classroom and ran away. The nerd followed me "Seriously?" She says. I glance over my shoulder to look at her "What?" I ask her. She stands in front of me "No thank you for getting you out of detention?" She says. I smile and put my finger underneath her chin "You're the reason I was there in the first place, I say we're even." I tell her. I leave her standing there on her own "Pathetic." I whisper.

*The Next Day*

Your POV
I walked towards an empty lunch table and sat down opening my book again. It wasn't long until I noticed a person standing behind me "What do you want, Sangster?" I ask him. He leans down so his lips were against my ear "Did you finish my homework?" He asks. I look at him "No." I tell him. He chuckles and sits down on the chair next to me "And why not?" He asked. I shrug "You didn't thank me for letting you escape detention, so I didn't do it. Besides, I'm not your slave." I tell him again, "Now could you please leave me alone?" I ask him. He once again took the book from my hands "Not until you give me my homework." "I don't have it!" I tell him.

He groans "What's wrong? Can't you handle the fact that someone is not obeying you for once?" I asked him. He runs his hand through his hair "It's not that I can't handle it, it just never happened before." He admitted, "Now hand me my homework, I know you did it, nerds can't resist homework." He says. I glare at him "Make me." I tell him. He didn't answer to that. I grabbed my book from his hands and stood up "Bye, Thomas." I say and walk away.

I head to my locker and grab my history books. When I closed it James stood in front of me. He's an ex-member of Thomas's group. He got kicked out when he told Thomas to chill when a teacher told him to stop talking. He may not be a part of their group, but he's an asshole. "Hey Nerd, I saw you talking to Tommy." He said. I rolled my eyes "Why would you care?" I asked him. He shrugs "I just overheard your little chat with him, you do his homework?" He asked. I shook my head "I did it once and now he thinks he can do it again, he can't. Maybe you can tell him that, you have the same IQ, maybe he'll listen to you." I suggest and try to leave him.

He gently grabs my hand "No no no, I just wanted to say...that's not how you should treat a lady." He says sweetly. I shrug "I'm a nerd to everyone in this school, bye James." I tell him. But once again he pulled me back gently "I just wanted to tell you if he bothers you again you can tell me. I can take care of Tommy." He said. I smile "Thanks...I guess...why are you being nice towards me?" I ask him. He shrugs "Maybe I think it was pretty awesome what you did back there. You stood up to him, no one does that. Especially not nerds." He chuckles. I smiled at him "Thanks. I should go, see you around?" "Yeah! Definitely." He said. Okay...maybe he's not that bad.

~Thomas Brodie Sangster Imagines~ Book 2Where stories live. Discover now