-Romulus Augustus- •Empire•

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A/N: I haven't seen this movie, I might soon but not sure yet. I don't want to force myself to watch things I don't want to watch. I tried to make the best out of it. I hope you like it.

Your POV
I sat down next to the horses as I looked at Romulus practicing with one of his friends. They swung their swords at each other "I will be a great leader!" Romulus said. His coronation is a couple of days away and he can't wait to be emperor of such a great empire. I laugh a little as I hear them speak. Romulus glances at me "What are you laughing at?" He asks "You. Do you think you can lead such a great empire on your own?" I ask him. He nods "Of course, I am a Caesar." He says. I chuckle slightly "A name doesn't make you a good leader." I tell him. He walks towards me "Are you questioning the decision your emperor made?" He asks and holds his sword against my throat "Are you?" He asks. I push his sword away "I just don't think a twelve-year-old boy can lead a whole empire." I tell him. He chuckles "What time do you live in? This is the way." He said. I stood up "Whatever, you will always be Romulus to me." I tell him. I started to walk away but someone pulled me back "I may need someone by my side." He whispers in my ear. I giggle "Isn't there some other girl who has more money?" I ask him. He kisses my cheek "Why would I marry for money if I can marry for love?" he asks. I glance at him "You don't love me, you don't even know what that word means." I tell him. He chuckles "You're a feisty one, Y/n." He says. He kisses my cheek again before releasing me. I shake my head and walk back inside.

Later that day I heard Romulus talking to his friends. He was telling them how he couldn't wait to be emperor. I stood behind the door overhearing their conversation "What will be the first thing you'll do when you become emperor." One of his friends asks "I don't know yet, maybe I'll ask Y/n to marry me." he says. His friends laughed "There is no way she'll say yes." One of his friends said "I can always try. We could rule this empire together. Side by side." Romulus says.

~Thomas Brodie Sangster Imagines~ Book 2Where stories live. Discover now