-Simon Brown- •Prank Gone Wrong•

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Simon POV
"Alright, Eric could you hand me the tomato sauce?" I ask him. He hands me the sauce and helps me to put it into the bucket. I smirk to myself "She's going to scream so loud father will send her away." I laugh. Chrissy handed me a bowl filled with...I don't know what it is. I smell it carefully and quickly pull away "Ew! It's poop! Fantastic!" I smirked and put it in the bucket. Sebastian and Eric set up the trap. I smile as I look at it "Good work, guys! Now we wait for our nanny to arrive." I smirk. After about two minutes I heard footsteps from the other side of the door. I look over my shoulder, "Where's Y/n? Someone get her! She can't miss this!" I whisper-yelled. Chrissy nodded and was about to run away when the door opened. "Simon, have you seen my bo-" "Y/n!!" I yell. But it was too late, the bucket dropped on her head spilling everything on her white dress. Her mouth was wide open shocked to what had just happened. I rushed towards her "Y/n, I am so sorry, this wasn't meant for you." I tell her. She wiped the poop/tomato sauce out of her face "Really?! Because it sure seems like it does!" She yells and storms off. I ran after her "Y/n, please, let me help you. I can wash your dress." I suggest. She glares at me "Don't you think you've done enough?!" She yells and runs off.

*Time Skip*

It was time for bed. Y/n hasn't spoken to me since the accident. I tried to tell her I was sorry but she wouldn't listen. She was lying in her own bed...she always sneaks out to sleep next to me. I walked towards her bed "Y/n, just let me explain." I beg her. She ignored me and closed her eyes pretending to sleep. Evangeline walked in "Simon, get into bed, please." She said sweetly. I sigh and lied in my bed. The lights turned off and Evangeline left the room. I get out of bed again "Y/n, listen to me." "I am not talking to you." She said. I sit on the edge of her bed "Y/n, I swear on my life, that prank wasn't for you. It was for the new nanny." I explain, "I would never do something like that to you. I'm sorry about everything. But did you really think I would do that to you? You know how much I love you. And the white dress, I mean, you're just breathtaking when you're wearing that thing." I tell her. She glances at me "You really think so?" she asked. I nod and kiss her cheek "I know so. Will you forgive me?" I ask her. She nods and gets out of bed and lying on mine. I smiled and wrapped my arms around her "Love you." I whispered, "Love you too." She whispers back

A/N: thank you guys so much for the 250 followers!!!

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