张哲瀚 & 鞠婧祎 ~ Sighs of Yunxi (叹雲兮)

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Song from Legend of Yunxi

Zhang Zhe Han: Ruò zhège shìjiè diāoxiè wǒ huì shǒu zài nǐ shēnbiān
If this world withers and fades, I'll stay by your side to protect you

Ju Jing Yi: Yòng chénmò jiānjué duìkàng wàn yǔ qiānyán
Using my silence resolution to oppose everything that's said

Zhang Zhe Han: Tǎngruò zhè shìjiān yīqiè dōu zài wúqíng de bēngliè
倘若这世间 一切都在无情的崩裂
And if everything in this world is ruthlessly falling apart

Ju Jing Yi: Wǒ huì yòng shǒuzhōng de xiàn wèi nǐ fèng yuán
I will use the thread in my hands to saw everything whole again

Zhang Zhe Han: Péi nǐ kàn rì shēng yuè qián péi nǐ kàn cānghǎi biànqiān
Péi nǐ yī zì yòu yī yán pǔ xià huíyì de shīpiān
陪你看日升月潜 陪你看沧海变迁
With you I see the rising suns and hidden moons
With you I see the deep blue seas ever changing
With you every word and phrase is a memory left in verse

Ju Jing Yi: Péi nǐ jiāng qíngjié gǎixiě péi nǐ jiāng bā huāng zǒu biàn
Zhǐ yīn nǐ dú dé dǒng wǒ ér nǐ zhùdìng shì wǒ de xīntóu xuè
陪你将情节改写 陪你将八荒走遍
With you circumstances change
With you wilds and wastes are tread
Because you understand me
You are destined to be my heart's beloved

All: Zhè shì yuán yì shì mìngzhòng zuìměi de xiāng jiàn
Bié hèn tiān xiàoróng gèng shìhé nǐ de liǎn
Zài yībiàn jì qǐ cóngqián de yīdī yīdiǎn
Bié yuàn wǒ bùzài shēnbiān
Jì zhù wǒ huì zài nǐ de xīnlǐmiàn
是缘 亦是命中最美的相见
别恨天 笑容更适合你的脸
再一遍 记起从前的一滴一点
This is fate and the most beautiful meeting of our lives
Don't hate the Heavens, a smile suits your face much more
Once again, remember every drop from the past
Don't resent me for not being by your side
Remember, I'll always be in your heart

Zhang Zhe Han: Dāng wǒmen mìngyùn chóngdié huǎngrándàwù cái fāxiàn
当我们命运重叠 恍然大悟才发现
When our lives overlapped I suddenly came to see the light

Ju Jing Yi: Yuánlái zhè shìjiān wánměi kěyǐ cánquē
原来这世间 完美可以残缺
Even perfection in this world was missing something

Zhang Zhe Han: Shíjiān bù tíngxiē fǎngfú luòyè fēihuā bān wú jiě
时间不停歇 仿佛落叶飞花般无解
Time doesn't stop, like endless falling leaves and drifting flowers

Ju Jing Yi: Ér nǐ zài zhèlǐ jiù wēnróule yīqiè
But with you here everything turns warm and soft

Zhang Zhe Han: Péi nǐ kàn méi hǎi de yuè péi nǐ duó tiān níng de jiē
Péi nǐ bǎ wǒ de suǒ niàn xiěchéng zuìhòu di yào jiān
陪你看梅海的月 陪你踱天宁的街
With you I see the moon over Plum Blossom Sea
With you I see the stroll through Tianning's streets
With you while I write my thoughts into final prescription

Ju Jing Yi: Péi nǐguò dì nàxiē nián zhōngjiù huì huà zuò yǒngyuǎn
Jìdé wǒ bùcéng hòutuì zài nǐ xīn shàng
Péi nǐ měi gè hēiyè
陪你过的那些年 终究会化作永远
With you I have spent these years
That will turn to eternity
Remember that I've never backed away
To spend every dark night with you by your heart

All: Chúnchǐ jiān bù shě de shì duì nǐ de liúliàn
Tàn líbié zǒng shì zài gāi yuánmǎn zhīqián
Wǒ de yuàn bìngfēi zhí shǒuxiāng kàn lèi mǎnyǎn
Ér shì nǐ yīwǎngwúqián
Shí qǐ céng yīn wǒ ér yǒu de xiàoliǎn
唇齿间 不舍的是对你的留恋
叹离别 总是在该圆满之前
我的愿 并非执手相看泪满眼
Interdependent, I can't bear the thought of parting with you
Always sighing farewell before everything is perfect
I never wished for us to hold hands while exchanging tearful glances
But for you to press forward
With the smile you always wore because of me

Ruò gùshì chóngyǎn
Wǒ xiǎng wǒ yīrán huì yòng wǒ de yī qiè
Huàn míngtiān jiùsuàn wǒ bùzài lǐ miàn
Kě nǐ huì míngbái wǒ duì nǐ de yǒngshì bù biàn
If our story repeats
I think I will still use all I have to trade for tomorrow
Even if I'm not in it, you'll understand that
My feelings for you will never change

Zhang Zhe Han: Zhè shì yuán yì shì mìngzhòng zuìměi de xiāng jiàn
这是缘 亦是命中最美的相见
This is fate and the most beautiful meeting of our lives

Ju Jing Yi: Bié hèn tiān xiàoróng gèng shìhé nǐ de liǎn
别恨天 笑容更适合你的脸
Don't hate the Heavens, a smile suits your face much more

All: Zài yībiàn jì qǐ cóngqián de yīdī yīdiǎn
Bié yuàn wǒ bùzài shēnbiān
Jì zhù wǒ huì zài nǐ de xīnlǐ miàn
再一遍 记起从前的一滴一点
Once again, remember every drop from the past
Don't resent me for not being by your side
Remember, I'll always be in your heart

Ju Jing Yi: Wǒ huì zài nǐ xīnjiān
I will be in your heart

Zhang Zhe Han: Zuò nǐ xīntóu xuè
Here to stay as your beloved

中国戏剧 原声带 (歌曲歌词) • Part 1/25Where stories live. Discover now