Part 2

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The house party was only a five minute walk from town, which I was grateful for. I felt decidedly chilly now, and Michelle and I huddled together, walking slightly behind Benji, Bob and Larry.

At one point Bob stopped in front of us and offered one of us his jacket. Well that's how he worded it, but he was definitely looking straight at Michelle when he offered. She politely declined.

I spoke in a low voice so the boys were unable to hear. "So... Bob's the one you were on about then was it? You fancy him?"

Michelle instantly shot me a wide, cheeky grin. "Is it obvious that I like him?"

"Well he's a guy so he's probably completely oblivious!" We both giggled then, causing Benji to turn his head.

"What you pair giggling about?"

"Just checking out your arses!" Michelle could never resist a cheeky comment.

We all burst out laughing, and then Larry was announcing that we had nearly reached our destination. You could hear the low bass throb of the music emanating from the house from down the road and the sound of many voices and raucous laughter as we approached. There were small groups of people gathered outside on the front garden and driveway, smoking, drinking and chatting in huddles.

Then I saw it. I instantly felt like someone had thrown a bucket of ice water over me and I froze to the spot. The boys walked on a few paces but whirled around when they heard Michelle loudly asking me what was wrong.

Parked up on the kerb was an all too familiar car. What the hell was Chris doing here? Michelle's gaze followed mine and when it also came to rest on the car she let out a huge groan, throwing her hands up. The lads looked puzzled.

"Do you actually know Chris Hamley?" Michelle turned to the boys.

They all shrugged, blank expressions.

"Who's that? What's up?" Bob stepped forward, looking concerned.

I could feel something slowly coming unravelled inside me. For a week I'd kept away, unable to face him, not willing to answer his calls or listen to his excuses. I wasn't sure whether I was strong enough to see him now.

"I can't do it Michelle," I heard myself say, my voice sounding shaky. I started to turn away.

Michelle was pointing at Chris's car with an angry expression on her face as she spoke to the boys. "That... that... piece of shit broke my best friend's heart. I swear if I see him I'm going to punch him in the..."

"Michelle! I'm sorry I have to go... you stay. I'll phone for a taxi."

I fumbled in my handbag for my phone and I noticed that Larry had stepped in front of me. He placed a hand gently on my shoulder, making me look up. "Hey, I don't really know what's going on, but you shouldn't have to leave."

"It's my ex's car. If he's here I can't face seeing him. I caught him with another girl last weekend and I've avoided him since."

A lump had formed in my throat and I blinked back the tears. Benji, Bob and Michelle were also crowding around me now.

"If I were you I'd walk in, head held high, show him what he's missing!" Larry's pep-talk was sweet, but I didn't feel strong.

"Maybe I should just go and chop his cheating dick off!" Michelle raged, pacing up and down the pavement.

The look on Bob's face was a picture. He looked genuinely terrified, seeing this side to Michelle he'd obviously not been privy to yet. "Sounds like you'll be well protected Abby!"

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