Part 54

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"Hey Sam, how you doing?" I answered the phone brightly, ignoring Eve rolling her eyes at me from across the kitchen.

In truth I thought Eve was actually quite pleased that I was seeing a lot of Sam but she wouldn't admit it. He might not have ticked all the boxes to pass her harsh scrutiny, but he wasn't going to break my heart and he was keeping me away from the kind of boys who she feared would do just that.

And besides, he was just a friend, as I kept telling Michelle, and myself over and over again more recently. I certainly wasn't going to acknowledge that I'd noticed Sam's gaze lingering on me sometimes just that little fraction too long, or the little excuses he'd make to slip an arm around my waist or grab my hand to steady me when we'd had one too many and were staggering back from the pub.

The thing was I really liked Sam, and I didn't want to ruin things. I'd had enough of tears and devastating emotions. I craved good company and the simplicity of a friendship without the added complications. And also, deep down, I worried that if things changed then I might actually be the one doing the heart-breaking for once.

Sam's voice was loud down the phone. "Abby! Whatcha doing? Can I come and see ya?"

"Errr yeah..." I glanced around the kitchen, seeing Eve taking the saucepan of pasta off the stove. "I'm just about to eat though so can we say in a little while?"

"I'm actually already on the way!"

"Oh... well fine, that's okay, I'll see you in a bit then..."

Eve was watching me as I stepped over and started dishing up our meals.

"You and Sam are practically joined at the hip these days!" She commented.

"Yeah well? We get on really well."

We sat down at the table. "Well... just be careful."

"What's that supposed to mean?"

Eve had started tucking in, but she paused, putting her cutlery down. "Anyone can see that he's crazy about you Abby, he practically worships the ground you walk on. Even Mike says so."

I felt my cheeks flush. "We're just friends, that's all. I'm not looking for anything more at the moment."

"Just don't lead him on, okay?"

That riled me. "I'm not! For gods sake, can't a man and woman just be friends without anything else getting in the way?"

Eve's eyebrows were raised. "Sure they can... if they don't fancy each other!"

"I don't fancy Sam!" I cried, feeling my cheeks going even redder.

Eve was wearing her know-it-all expression now which only served to irritate me further. "Eve, please give it a rest. I can see why you were on my back about Chris... and even Van... but Sam? I'm just enjoying his company, that's all."

"Okay, okay," she held a hand up, relenting.

I was relieved when I heard the doorbell ring. Sam was standing there, but his usual beaming smile had been replaced by something else. He almost looked nervous.

"Abby, I'm sorry I came round in such a rush. It's just ya gotta see this!" He was holding up his iPad.

I stood back, beckoning him in, intrigued. "Hey Sam, come in. What is it?"

He stepped in, ruffling his hair, looking around, hesitating before he spoke.

"It's... it's Van..." he began, and I felt my whole body tense.

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