Part 6

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We didn't awake again until lunchtime and thankfully I felt much more human as I opened my eyes, well that was until the partial memories of my antics the previous night flooded in, making me groan out loud with embarrassment once again.

"Just kill me now!" I complained as we made our way downstairs.

I lingered behind Michelle as we entered the kitchen, dismayed to see Van looking freshly showered and gorgeous as ever whilst I must have looked like I had spent several nights rough sleeping on the city streets in comparison.

"Ladies!" He greeted us enthusiastically. "Sleep okay?"

"Your bed is so comfy!" Michelle replied, whilst all I could manage was a little smile.

"How's the head?" He was looking straight at me now, ocean eyes sparkling. I wanted to sink into the floor.

"Bit better thanks," I mumbled.

He offered us tea, and Michelle was just about to accept, but I cut her off. "Actually we really need to get going," I blurted out. "I'll call a taxi."

I busied myself scrolling through the contacts on my phone, head down.

"Let me give you a lift," Van said, and before I'd had chance to rebuff him he'd grabbed a set of keys off the side, holding them up.

I didn't want to seem rude so agreed, thanking him. Not long now and I could put this whole embarrassing episode behind me.

"Oh hold on, wait a second..." Van disappeared off and returned with a carrier bag which he presented to me with a smirk.

Michelle sniggered as we both realised my clothes must have been inside and I looked down, partly in shame and partly in awkwardness to think I'd have to step outside in just the t-shirt I was wearing. It didn't look like I was going to be offered any more clothing, and I felt too awkward to ask after the nuisance I'd made of myself.

Thankfully the weather was warm and bright and I squinted against the glare of the afternoon sun as we walked down the driveway. Empty cans and piles of cigarette butts were strewn around and Van sighed dramatically as he kicked a can out of the way.

"Scruffy fuckers," he muttered under his breath. "Gonna be a big clean up job today."

I went to grab the rear door handle but Michelle got there before me. "You can sit in the front Abby."

"Its fine, I don't mind sitting in the back," I tried to catch her eye, but she was already pulling open the rear door.

I didn't want to make a big deal out of it, so slid into the passenger seat, gripping the hem of the t-shirt and trying to stretch it down over my thighs. A sneaky sideways look at Van set my pulse racing as I saw his gaze running over my legs.

I made sure I gave my address straight away, hoping Van would drop me off first, but it soon became quite obvious that he was heading to Michelle's as the first destination. I stayed quiet in the front as Michelle sat forward in the back-seat, chatting easily with Van. Before long there was just the two of us.

"So, whatcha got planned for the rest of the day?" He said brightly.

"Oh I don't know, probably more sleep," I said, shrugging. "Still feeling a bit ropey to be honest! What about you?"

"Sorting out the house I guess," he pulled a face. "I'll not expect Bondy or Larry to surface anytime soon, so I may as well just get on with it."

I was struck with guilt then. "I'm sorry, I should have helped you clear up."

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