Part 13

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"Welcome ladies!" Bondy said as the door swung open, and he bowed down in a silly grand gesture as we entered.

He was right, it was massive. There was a large living area with a few sofas, a bar and several doors leading to other rooms. Music was playing and there were groups of people dotted around, chatting and drinking. I spotted Van and Larry downing shots straight away, slamming the glasses down and refilling immediately. Alice was standing over to one side with her friends. They were all chatting but she had her eyes fixed firmly on Van.

"Abby!" The shout was loud enough to cut through the chatter and it stopped me in my tracks. Van was looking right at me, holding his shot glass aloft with a huge grin. I immediately felt self-conscious at this unexpected greeting so gave an awkward little wave and smile.

A quick glance at Alice confirmed that she was not happy about her boyfriend's enthusiasm at my arrival. One of her friends whispered something to her and they both looked over, laughing. I looked away, pretending not to notice.

"This is awkward," I said under my breath to Michelle. "I need a drink."

Michelle had caught Bob's eye and he was heading over. It was good to see his friendly smile, and even better to see that he was carrying some drinks with him. We accepted the glasses of champagne he held out to us.

"Ooh fancy!" Said Michelle, taking a sip. "What we drinking to then? You being utterly amazing tonight?"

She clinked her glass against Bob's and his face lit up. "I guess it did go quite well. But Van about gave me a heart attack switching tracks round at the last minute. I've told him we've got to stick to the set-list..."

"You were all amazing," I reassured him.

We found a spot on one of the large, comfy looking sofas. I kept glancing around to see if I could see Johnny. Even though Michelle and Bob certainly weren't leaving me out of the conversation, I still felt a bit like a goose-berry. The more alcohol that Michelle consumed, the more touchy-feely she became, and I could foresee her ending up on Bob's lap before long.

There was no sign of Johnny, but my heart thudded as my eyes locked with Van's across the room and he started heading over. The familiar glow started to radiate from my cheeks and I cursed myself for not being able to control it.

As soon as he reached the sofa, he sank down in the unoccupied seat next to me, clumsily knocking my leg. "Sorry darlin'!" He held aloft a couple of shot glasses and a bottle of clear liquid.

"Don't worry, it's not tequila!" He laughed, his voice slurred. He seemed pretty tipsy. "Come on, 'ave a drink with me!"

He was sitting so close, his legs splayed so his thigh was pressed up next to mine. I shifted slightly in my seat to create a bit of space between us.

Michelle leaned over to speak to Van. "You were bloody brilliant tonight!"

His smile lit up his whole face. "It was fucking class! Did you see the crowd? I'm fucking buzzin' from it. Abby, what did you think?"

"Oh my god, I loved it, you were great," I said shyly.

"Glad you enjoyed it," Van was beaming as he pressed a shot glass into my hand. "Come on, we're celebrating, I'm not gonna take no for an answer!"

"Seriously I can't do it, not after last time!" I shook my head and went to pass the glass back but Van was opening the bottle and thrusting it towards me. I grimaced as I smelt the strong scent of sambuca. I let out a little yelp as some of the drink sloshed out of the bottle and straight into my lap.

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