Part 11

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"Urghh! Put him down girl!" Michelle was filling me in on Alice 'practically dry-humping Van' as she put it, whilst I sipped my drink, trying to keep my eyes anywhere but on them.

"You get used to it!" Johnny chuckled, and he stepped closer, joining in our conversation. "It's kinda like watching a nature documentary." Now he was imitating David Attenborough as he spoke. "See the female stake her claim as she devours the helpless male. Marking her territory in this way ensures that she eliminates competition from the other females in the area as mating commences!"

Michelle and I burst into fits of giggles. Johnny drained the remains in his glass and held the empty glass aloft, trying to get Bob's attention. "Another please mate!"

"Come on man, how many you had? You've already sunk a few tinnies in the van. This is a big deal tonight." Bob had concern on his face.

"Chill out!" Benji said, pushing through with another couple of pint glasses, handing one to Johnny.

Larry joined in. "The man is a legend. And he can handle his beer!"

Johnny raised his glass with a proud nod then looked between me and Michelle. "So girls, you gonna watch us from the side of the stage tonight?"

Me and Michelle looked at each other and both said no in unison. He looked surprised.

"No way! The best place at a gig is in the pit!" Michelle squealed.

"Yeah!" I agreed. "We like to be in the thick of it. It's the only way to do it!"

Bondy looked impressed, "That's ma girls!"

My phone buzzed with a call and I dug in my bag for it, my stomach clenching when I saw Chris's name displayed. I announced I was just nipping out and ducked outside to take the call.

"Hey Chris! You ok?" I tried to put on a bright voice.

"Hi babe, how's it going?" He sounded quiet.

"Ok, me and Michelle are just having a drink before the gig starts. What you up to?"

"Me and Matt are just about to head out into town..."

I was just about to start speaking when the pub door crashed open as the band all piled out, pushing and jostling each other.

"See ya later!" Larry called out.

"I wanna see you at that barrier!" Now Van was shouting, pointing at me with a huge grin on his face.

I waved back, pressing the phone to my ear hard with the other hand to muffle the shouts.

"What's that?" Chris snapped gruffly.

"Oh, just some guys coming out the pub," I said dismissively.

"Wish you were out with me tonight. I'm missing you already. What time you back later?"

"Errr..." I faltered. "I'm not sure but it might be pretty late, it's a bit of a drive."

There was a pause. "But you're coming back straight after the gig, yeah?"

"Well, pretty much. We might have a drink first, I don't know."

"With the band?" Chris's voice was getting louder. "I'm not really happy about you hanging out with them!"

"They're nice guys, honestly. Michelle's seeing one of them so we can't really avoid it. Look I'm not gonna be there long, I promise."

"You make sure you call me later. I mean it Abby. And I swear if one of those pricks so much as looks at you the wrong way, I'll tear their fucking heads off."

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