Part 21

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"Sing another Van!" A lad shouted from the back of the room.

"Go on Van!" Another cry went up, and then everyone was urging him on.  Van started to strum again, needing little encouragement.

I felt my phone vibrate in my shorts pocket and slipped it out. Chris. Disappointment wracked my entire body, followed by guilt as I realised I would much rather listen to Van singing than speak to my boyfriend.

I slipped outside, thankful that everyone was inside and it was therefore quiet. I walked away slightly down the garden so the music was very faint and took a deep breath before I answered. I wasn't going to make the same mistake twice.

"Abby, whatcha doing?" Chris's tone sounded light and took me by surprise. I could hear loud jeering and crowd noise in the background from his end.

"Hi Chris, I'm just chilling out. I'm... in the garden." My gut twisted as the words left my mouth. "How was the match?"

Chris was talking loudly over the crowd. "We won! You probably guessed by the noise!"

"That's great! Hope you're enjoying yourself."

"Yeah, me and James are just going for a few beers ok? I'll see you later."

"Don't have too much," I said.

Chris and I said our goodbyes after a little more chat and I breathed deeply, relieved. Then I turned towards the house and walked again towards the sound of Van's guitar. I slipped inside the back door and watched Van as he sang.

And I said please honey save it
Cause I just want to know
How you feel about us
And I just want to know where you spent last night

I was entranced. Hours could have passed by unnoticed whilst I watched him sing.

"Not bad is he?" I snapped my head round to see Johnny had swayed over to me.

"He's great! But then you're all pretty talented!" I said, hoping Johnny hadn't spotted me looking mesmerised. I realised I didn't have anything to worry about however, as he was already off on another tangent, indicating outside. "Am I gonna get you in that jacuzzi then lass?"

"No way, I don't have my bikini!"

Johnny raised his eyebrows and leant in closer. "I don't see that being a problem at all!"

I gave him a playful shove and he stumbled out of the door into the garden. "Bloody perv!" I laughed, following him out, not wanting to disturb Van's performance.

Johnny took a few faltering steps and then trod on an unopened can of lager, which rolled under his foot. It was like watching a scene from a comedy show. He lent back, arms whirling, seemed to regain his balance, but then he was off again. I doubled over laughing as he sprawled backwards on the grass where he lay, spreadeagled.

He raised his head up off the ground, then let it fall back, laughing uncontrollably too. It took him a while to compose himself before he rolled over, getting up on to his knees and reaching forward to grab his cap which had fallen off. I saw my opportunity and darted forward, grabbing it and holding it aloft triumphantly.

"Oh you're in trouble now!" He reached out his long arms as I skilfully swerved just out of his grasp, making for the end of the garden.

He may have been drunk, but his strides were a lot longer than mine, and he caught up with me in no time, grabbing the thin material of my top and dragging me backwards.

"Let go! You'll rip it!" I screamed, trying to get away in vain but he was too strong, and he wrapped his arms around me tightly, keeling over to the side and taking me with him. We both tumbled on to the grass, laughing loudly.

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