Part 3

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I hadn't been aware but now I realised I was actually trembling, a combination of shock and the cool night air. Michelle put an arm around my waist and we all turned towards the house. I let myself be led along and we entered the house through the side door and into a crowded kitchen.

"Van, your house is gonna get trashed man!" Benji called from behind.

Van? I'd heard that name earlier. So he was one of the other band members. I watched him from across the kitchen as he spoke to Larry whilst he busied himself mixing a drink, my eyes trailing over every inch of him. He wore skin-tight black jeans and a black shirt which was open a few buttons at the top to reveal a tiny gold pendant around his neck. He glanced over at me, his eyes catching mine for a second, and his lips pulled up into a little smile. I looked away quickly, embarrassed that I'd been caught watching him.

"Abby? Abby!" Michelle was right next to me and I hadn't even heard her, now she was waving a hand in front of my face, bringing me back to reality.

"I was just saying that if Chris contacts you again you should call the police."

Now she had my full attention. "No! The police? Don't you think that's over-reacting?"

"No I don't! For god's sake I thought he was gonna hit you or something!"

"Chris would NEVER do that!" I protested, feeling aggrieved that she would even suggest it. True, he had an awful temper which was frightening to witness at times, but he would never take it out on me.

"Van I'm so glad you were there," Michelle looked up and I followed her gaze to see that he was making his way over to us.

He placed a full glass down on the table in front of me.

"Here, thought you might need something strong after that!" He said with a smile, then his expression turned serious. "She's right you know... about the police. He's a fucking nutter!"

I instantly bristled at this. I appreciated him coming to my aid, but what gave him the right to judge Chris like that? He was heart-broken and acting irrationally. He was desperate. I pictured the hopeless look on his face when he knew I wouldn't go with him.

Van looked uncomfortable on seeing my expression and backtracked. "Look, I should probably mind my own business... as long as you're okay now..."

I didn't even get chance to react before a loud, shrill voice sounded over the other side of the kitchen.

"Van! Van! Where have you been? I've been looking for you everywhere!"

A striking blonde girl had entered the kitchen, eyes blazing and firmly fixed on Van. I heard Michelle let out a little sigh as she nudged me to get my attention. "Come on, let's go..."

I followed Michelle, picking up my drink, glad to be leaving the strange atmosphere that had fallen over the kitchen with the dramatic entrance of the blonde girl. I glanced at her as I passed her, heading out of the kitchen, and she shot me a steely look.

Michelle led me by the hand down the hallway to a large living room. There were a few groups of people dancing, but most sat around drinking. The house was a mess, Benji was right. Half drunken bottles and crumpled cans littered every available surface and the floor too. Michelle looked around then steered me out of the room back into the hallway. There was a couple on the stairs practically shagging.

"For god's sake get a room!" Michelle called out as we passed, but they were too engrossed in each other to notice.

We ended up sitting on a sofa in the conservatory where it was a bit quieter. Michelle turned herself towards me, putting an arm over my shoulder.

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