Part 28

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What the hell are you playing at Abby? My heart was pounding in my chest as I grabbed a couple of glasses out of the cupboard and perused the fridge for something to mix the vodka with. But this time it wasn't anxiety. This time it was excitement.

I decided to give Michelle a quick call to let her know I'd got home okay before I went back up. She answered on the second ring, straight away asking me if I was alright.

"Yes, don't worry I'm absolutely fine. And I'm so sorry I left early. I'll make it up you I promise."

"Don't you dare apologise! I just wish you'd told me about these anxiety attacks. I could've helped... I mean I don't know how but... you gotta stop hiding stuff from me Abs, please."

"I'm sorry Michelle. I just don't want to load you with all my crap!"

"Your crap is my crap! I mean it you know! Anyway, Van was very eager to walk you back. I think he likes you..." Her voice went up a few octaves, childishly teasing.

I couldn't help the huge smile that spread across my face. "Err... he's still here... He's actually upstairs waiting for me. In my bedroom."

"Oh my god Abs!" I could picture the expression on her face. "What's going on? Please be careful! I mean it, if Chris finds out you've had another man round..."

"Look it's nothing, we're just having a drink, completely platonic. Anyway, I better go. I'll call you tomorrow."

I turned to pick up the glasses and was surprised to see that Eve had wandered into the kitchen, and I could see by the look on her face that she'd caught part of the conversation.

"Van's still here?" She spoke in hushed tones, face like thunder.

"What's your problem? You thought he sounded wonderful when I first met him and he'd sent Chris packing from that party!"

Eve glared at me, hands on hips. "Well yeah, that was before I met him and heard all sorts of stuff. He's got no respect for women!"

"He's been nothing but a gentleman to me," I jumped to Van's defence. "He certainly hasn't tried anything on. We're just friends."

Eve rolled her eyes. "Hmm yeah, he's all friendly for now," she glanced at the glasses. "Don't do anything stupid Abby. Chris would go mental if he knew you'd had another bloke up there!"

I pushed past Eve. "I'm not doing anything wrong. Get off my back!"

Eve's confrontation had left me feeling wound up, and I craved a drink. I started up the stairs, my heart starting to race again a little. As I entered my room Van was crouched down, looking at my vinyl collection. He looked up as I walked in.

"I'm very impressed with this lot. You've got quite the collection." He said, getting to his feet, and taking the glasses from me.

"My dad got me into music from an early age," I said, then the words just slipped out. "In fact that was about the only good thing he ever did for me."

Van was pouring two generous measures of vodka into the glasses, but he paused, looking up. "Oh?"

What was I doing? Keep it light Abby.

"I don't even know why I brought that up," I crossed over to pour tonic into the glasses, shaking my head.

As he passed me a glass our fingertips lightly brushed, and I felt a little thrill run through me.

"You know, I don't know a thing about you," he said softly.

I took a big gulp, wanting the alcohol to take the edge off the effect he had on me. "There's not much to tell," I said shyly. "Well, nothing very interesting anyway. I'd much rather hear about you... the band... I meant the band."

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