Part 49

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Friday evening saw me getting ready for Mike's party and slipping into one of my favourite little flared summer dresses. I grabbed my strappy high heels out of the wardrobe, remembering the last time I wore them, picturing Van scooping me off my feet and carrying me in his arms. I sighed, putting them back and reaching for my converse.

"You look beautiful little sis," Eve said proudly as she popped her head around my bedroom door, then her eyes dropped to my feet and her face fell.

"Don't start!" I warned her. "I know what you're thinking. And quite frankly if anyone's gonna judge me on my footwear then they can bugger off!"

Eve looked like she was going to say something and then thought better of it. We got into the awaiting taxi.

Mike lived in the more affluent area of town, and as the taxi pulled up outside I started to wonder if I should have put my heels on after all. The large house dwarfed mine and Eve's in comparison, with a massive garden and a double garage with what looked like a huge extension sprawling out from the side.

"You didn't tell me he was loaded," I nudged Eve as we started down the driveway.

"Shh..." Eve looked around to make sure no one heard as a few other guests turned into the driveway.

I saw her self-consciously fussing with her hair and adjusting her dress as we stepped up to the door.

"You look gorgeous," I told her.

She really did.  She had been emanating the same glow that Michelle had since she'd been with Bob. I craved that too. The kind of love which comes easily, a comfortable sort of love which fills your heart and warms your soul. A reciprocal love.

Mike greeted us and was the perfect host, introducing me to some of his friends and getting us both a drink. I'd not warmed to him straight away on meeting him, but the more I saw of him and Eve together the faster I was changing my opinion of him.  Watching Eve now from across the room I felt a warm glow, the way she looked up at Mike with adoration made me think back to our conversation about our silly family curse being broken. I'd joked at the time that it had just been passed on to me. It didn't seem like a joke anymore.

"So, do you work with Mike?" I heard a deep voice and turned to see a rather mature looking guy standing next to me. He had a ruggedly handsome face and his hair was flecked with grey. I normally didn't like to judge people on first impressions, but his expensive looking grey suit and smooth manner led me to stereotype him immediately.

"No, no, I'm just here with Eve," I said, taking another sip from my glass.

"It's just that you look familiar... I'm sure I've seen you in the office before. I work out the London office, but I travel up quite regularly."

His hazel eyes were attractive, but he was looking at me with a kind of intensity which made me feel a little uneasy. I definitely had never seen him before. "That's not me! I must have a double! I'm Eve's sister."

He smiled and nodded towards my glass. "You're nearly done I see. Care for another?"

I glanced around, looking for Eve. Great, she'd disappeared already leaving me with Mr Smooth. I felt a little out of my depth in this huge house with no one else I knew around. May as well have a few more drinks to relax me.

"Errr yeah... thanks. This Prosecco is really good." I drained my glass and passed it to him.

"Actually it's Dom Perignon," he said with a smile, and I immediately felt my cheeks warm.

"Oh, it all tastes the same to me!" I blurted out, then immediately wanted the ground to open up and swallow me.

As he walked away to refill my glass I scouted around the kitchen looking for Eve. I found her chatting with a small group of girls in the dining area and stood nearby, trying to catch her eye. Thankfully she saw me and excused herself.

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