Part 63

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When Van came to pick me up later that afternoon, my heart skipped a beat when I heard the sound of the doorbell. I swung the door open wide, and he stood there with a huge grin on his face, looking effortlessly gorgeous in his black jeans and a burgundy shirt.

"Hi Van," I said, as he leaned in to give me a small hug, but as I returned the hug I could see Emily sitting in the front passenger seat of the car, and I couldn't help the feeling of disappointment sinking in me.

She waved excitedly with a huge grin and I waved back weakly before turning to lock the door.

"You're looking nice," Van said. "You know I love you in that top."

"Thanks," I said shyly. "And thanks for agreeing to pick up Sam."

"No problem at all," he said, but I caught the little look on his face as he turned away that said otherwise.

I didn't feel bad though, especially not with Emily sitting there, bold as brass, greeting me enthusiastically as I climbed into the back seat and scooted over so I was sitting behind Van.

I leant forward to give Van the directions to Sam's house, then sank back in my seat afterwards. Emily immediately started talking about how she was looking forward to the gig, and what songs were being played, and which ones she loved. She could certainly talk. I found myself wondering if she ever came up for breath. And seeing as most of her chatter was directed at Van I just let the conversation flow, looking out the window. A few times Van would call into the back to ask my opinion, but mainly I stayed quiet, lost in my thoughts, trying not to think about Chris.

"Woah, Sam must be loaded!" Van commented as we pulled up outside his house.

"That's exactly what I said when I first saw this place," I told him. "But he's not. It's his brother's house."

I got out and started to walk up Sam's long driveway, but I didn't get far before I spotted him coming bounding towards me with his camera hanging around his neck. I involuntarily stiffened a little when he grabbed me into a hug, imagining Van watching us, but Sam didn't seem to notice.

He greeted everyone as we got in the car, cheerfully as ever, and I introduced him to Emily. Van managed a small, "Alright mate?"

Sam sat forward. "Alright Van? I'm proper stoked about taking some photos of the band tonight. Cheers for sorting it."

"Oh you can thank Bondy for arranging that," Van replied as we pulled away from the driveway.

It occurred to me then that Sam and Van probably hadn't interacted at all since the night of Michelle's party. Sam had been exchanging texts with Johnny since they'd met and they'd definitely hit it off, but I'd detected a certain coolness in Van's tone. I hoped it wasn't going to be awkward.

"So what's this good news you have to tell me then?" I asked Sam.

His face lit up like he'd won the lottery, grinning ear to ear. "I only went and got accepted for that photography degree didn't I?"

"Oh wow, that's amazing!" I cried out, leaning over to Sam and hugging him. "I knew you would. I forgot all about your interview though, sorry."

"What's this?" I heard Van's voice coming loudly from the front, and saw his eyes flick to the rear view mirror.

"I got accepted for the degree course I applied for!" Sam replied, and Emily turned and congratulated him.

I didn't hear any reply from Van, but Sam was in full flow now. "They loved my portfolio, said it was one of the best they'd seen." Then he turned to me although he was speaking loud enough for the whole car to hear. "Reckon I've got you to thank for that Abby!"

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