Part 73

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The rest of the week passed uneventfully. Even Van's usual daily messages were sparse, noticeably lacking in his normal enthusiasm. In fact he seemed to have stopped trying to persuade me to meet him at all, there were just a handful of short texts asking how I was. He was probably just being polite. He'd more than likely given up just like Michelle had warned me.

I tried to tell myself that this was good, but each day my heart got that little bit heavier with the comprehension that I'd brought this entirely on myself.

* * * * *

The day before I was due to meet Michelle I woke up to the realisation that I hadn't actually heard anything from Van for nearing two days. I was loathe to make the first move and message him, convincing myself that he had much more important things to occupy his time with than me.

I decided to call on Sam. He could always lift my mood with his infectious cheerfulness. When I arrived at his house I let myself into his back garden as I usually did. I found him sitting reclined on a sun-lounger, headphones on and eyes closed, serene expression on his face, completely unaware of my presence.

I had the sudden urge to do something silly to cheer myself up, creeping over stealthily until I was right next to him. I spotted a glass of iced water next to him, grabbed it and lifted it until I was holding it right over him. I slowly tipped the glass until a small stream of water dripped on to his face, stifling a giggle as I did.

Sam's eyes flicked open as the water hit, and he launched himself up immediately, gasping in shock. "What the fuck!"

I jumped backwards and he launched himself at me, his surprise turning into a huge grin. He made a grab at me and I twisted away out of his grasp, sprinting down the garden with him in hot pursuit.

"You just wait till I get this cast off!" He shouted after me, easily catching up to me and this time catching hold of me, his good hand wrapped around my waist.

"You should have seen your face!" I giggled and we both fell about laughing.

"You're looking so much better, how are ya doing?" Sam said, when we'd both settled down on the sun-loungers.

My hand immediately went to my face, and I hung my head down. It was becoming an automatic reaction now although my dark bruises were now just mottled yellowy marks.

"Oh, you know, I'm doing okay I guess..."

Sam narrowed his eyes. "You can't hide anything from me... come on..."

"Seriously Sam, I'll be fine," I smiled. "You know me, I always bounce back!"

Sam stood up and crossed over to my lounger, squeezing on to it next to me. "Things are going to be good from here on out. I just know it."

I grinned at him. "So Mystic Sam predicts it then? Where's your crystal ball?"

He chuckled. "Well ya can't just expect things to happen. Life is what ya make it! We need to plan some fun stuff for the summer. You, me and Michelle... and I guess the Catfish guys too... if you want..."

Sam made it sound so simple... I wished it was. I envied his easy positivity and optimism.

I smiled and he slung his arm over my shoulder, drawing me in closer, his cast dangling near my face. I could just make out some scribbled writing on it.

"It's like when kids at school got a cast and everyone wanted to sign it!" I laughed, slipping his arm from around my shoulder for a closer inspection.

"Ahh don't read all of it, the lads from college are proper arseholes!"

There was some small, neat writing amongst the scrawl and rude doodles, a familiar name. "Emily, hey? I didn't realise you two had seen each other recently!"

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