Part 74

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I couldn't help but feel a little smug driving out of Chester with Abby beside me in the passenger seat. This was my chance to prove to her that I could be everything she needed. I just had to make sure I didn't fuck it up.

My heart had been in my mouth when Eve had let me in. I was so worried that my plan would backfire, it felt almost narcissistic to presume that Abby would want to spend time with me, but I knew I had to try. Especially after Michelle had told me that she'd overheard Dave's rant about how she was somehow going to hold me back. What the fuck did he know?

None of the bad shit that had happened since I'd known her was her fault. Chris had controlled her and terrorised her, then I'd been blinded by my assumptions and stubbornness and I'd fucked things up at the start of the tour. Despite all this Abby had remained constant throughout. Sweet, unassuming and gentle. My heart swelled just looking at her sitting there beside me.

"What?" She said, cheeks a little flushed, her voice high and light.

I grinned, my concentration going back to the road ahead. "Nothing..."

"You keep looking at me funny. Have I got something on my face or something?"

I watched her pull down the visor, looking at her reflection in the small mirror there. I couldn't help but laugh.

"There's nothing there. I'm just thinking, that's all..."

She turned to me. "Oh yeah? What about?"

I mentally made a note to keep things light. The last thing I wanted to do was come on too strong. Where had that got me last time?

"I was just thinking about how nice you look today. That dress looks great on you."

"Oh! Errr... thanks..." she awkwardly pulled at the hem and I tried to keep my eyes ahead, smiling to myself at her obvious discomfort on receiving a compliment. Well, she'd just have to get used to that if I got my way and I was going to spend more time with her.

"I didn't know what to wear, Michelle said it was going to be a complete surprise," she said. "Turns out it was even more of a surprise than I thought!"

"I hope you didn't mind us tricking you," I said, a little wary. "I know lots has happened between us but I really don't want to lose you as a friend."

She paused. "Look I'm sorry if you think I was avoiding you..."

"Hey!" I cut in, glancing over to see her expression a little taken aback by my interruption but I carried on regardless. "A couple of ground rules for today..."

Her face fell, she almost looked worried. I carried on, grinning to show I wasn't being serious although I spoke in a slightly stern tone.

"Rule number one, no apologising, okay? You gotta stop doing that. Most of the time it's not even remotely your fault!"

"Sor... oh shit, I'm doing it again! I don't even know I'm doing it!" She giggled, putting her face in her hands.

"I'll let you off... this time..." I gave her a cheeky grin.

She smiled. "So... what else? You said there were a couple of ground rules..."

I paused, considering what to say. "Errr... right, number two, everything today is my treat, okay? No trying to pay for anything. It's your birthday and I get to spoil you."

"Okay..." she said slowly, and I knew then that she wouldn't stick to that. Abby was the kind of girl who'd feel uncomfortable with that. Not like Alice who'd balk at the idea of not being wined and dined and treated like a princess.

All The Mixed Feelings (Van McCann)Where stories live. Discover now