Part 36

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He'd been so close, and I swear he'd been just about to lean in to kiss me. But then his phone had rang, disturbing us. It was probably a good thing. The air around us hung thick with something. I don't know what you'd call it... Chemistry? Sexual tension? Either way I knew that the touch paper would be lit if he'd got any closer. The thought of something happening now, with him flying off to America the next day was definitely not a good idea. I needed time to heal from Chris, and being on my own for a while would do me good.

Van was pacing as he spoke on the phone. I wasn't sure who was on the other end but they were discussing the plans for the tour. Van spoke animatedly, excitedly, and this only made me feel even more sure that I should keep this platonic. Thinking of him thousands of miles away was hard enough with us just being friends without adding extra complications.

The call lasted a good ten minutes, and I'd switched the TV on with the volume low as didn't want to appear that I was prying by listening in to the call. It was getting late and I was starting to feel both emotionally and physically exhausted after my ordeal. My head was throbbing and I could feel my eyelids getting heavy.

Van ended the call and whirled around to face me just as I was stifling a little yawn. "I'm sorry about that... it was our manager Dave. Oh... you're tired."

"A little," I said, sitting upright. "I guess we should probably get some sleep. You've got a big day tomorrow."

His face fell although he tried to hide it, and I was torn between following my heart or my head.

"I guess so..."

I stood up hesitantly, smoothing down my dress, suddenly thinking about the practicalities of sleeping in it. I sighed, looking down and then over at Van. "Errr... Van? You know how I keep borrowing t-shirts from you?  I don't suppose you have something I can sleep in do you?"

"Gonna have to start charging you!" He chuckled, strolling over to the far side of the room and sorting through a pile of clothes. "Hmmm... don't think you want that one, wore that to tonight's show." He scrunched up his face. "You may as well just wear this one."

"Oh no, it's ok..." I started but stopped abruptly as he was already lifting the t-shirt he was wearing up to pull over his head.

He slung it across the room to me. "Sorry it's not a clean one. I'm useless at packing. Pretty much only brought what I came in."

"Errr.... that's fine.... thank you." I stumbled over my words, taking in his bare chest. His body was pale and lean, with a light smattering of chest hair. His gold pendant caught the light.

Don't stare, I told myself, aware that I had let my gaze linger on him a little too long. I made my excuses to go into the bathroom to get undressed.

When I ventured out of the bathroom rather self-consciously in the t-shirt which just came to the tops of my thighs, Van let out a wolf-whistle.

"Shut up!" I narrowed my eyes at him and hurriedly drew back the duvet, getting into the bed.

"Looks much better on you than me!" He said with a cheeky grin.

I drew the covers up around me. The bed was comfortable, the mattress was just the right firmness and the pillows were soft. I looked at Van as he fidgeted around on the sofa, trying to get in a comfortable position. I felt bad for him.

I sat upright in the bed. "Look, I'll sleep on the sofa. You're much too lanky to lie down properly on that thing."

"No way, it's fine, honestly." He was having none of it.

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