Part 10

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We were early so made our way to a pub situated near the venue for some drinks. The band were showing up later for a drink before soundcheck. According to Michelle, the venue was the biggest they'd ever played at and a far cry from the pubs and social clubs they'd been playing at up until this point. They were amassing a following and there was talk of them being signed to a label and officially releasing some material.

We found a seat but the pub was pretty busy for saying it was only early evening and there was a definite buzz.

"Do you reckon all these people are here to see the guys?" I wondered out loud.

"I have no idea," Michelle said, then she was nudging me and pointing across the room. "Well, they definitely are."

I looked over to see Alice amidst a group of girls, swishing her long blonde hair as she chatted. She was wearing the tightest black dress that showed off her perfect curves and left little to the imagination. I found myself subconsciously sucking in my breath as I took in her hourglass figure. I looked down at my jeans and t-shirt and sighed.

One of Alice's friends lent over to whisper something in her ear and all of a sudden she looked over. I instantly looked away, hoping I'd not been caught staring.

"Ooh if looks could kill!" Michelle was saying under her breath, then she was laughing.

I allowed myself a glance over, only to be met by Alice's icy glare. "What the hell? What's her problem?"

"Reckon she knows she's got competition!" Michelle teased.

"Shut up!" I replied. "I need another drink but I'm not going over to the bar on my own now! Come on."

We walked over, and I purposefully didn't look in Alice's direction again. There was a small crowd around the bar waiting to be served. I suddenly felt something collide with my shoulder, knocking me forcefully to the side.

"Shit, sorry!" I instinctively said, looking up to see that Alice had barged straight past me and pushed into a spot right next to the bar.

"Watch it!" She turned and glared for a second before turning her attention to the bartender who I noticed made a beeline for her straight away.

"What you apologising for?" Michelle hissed. "She's pushing in!"

"I didn't know it was her!" I said under my breath. "Thought I'd just walked into someone."

My stomach was in knots and I felt myself slouching down to blend in amongst the small crowd in front of the bar. I hated confrontation and the idea that I had somehow pissed off Van's girlfriend before even meeting her properly bothered me. Maybe he'd told her about Michelle and I staying over after the party and that had displeased her.

Alice grabbed her drink and stalked off to her group of friends and I kept my head down.

"Bitch!" Michelle spoke just a fraction too loud and I was jabbing her hard in the ribs, urging her to shut up.

"Well it's just plain rude!" She complained, then relented and set about ordering two beers for us.

I almost jumped a foot in the air when I felt two large hands go around my waist a second later. I whirled around to come face to face with Johnny. Bob was standing beside him and I noticed his eyes light up when he greeted Michelle. Larry was heading over too.

"Hey Johnny, you gave me a fright!" I giggled, recovering from the shock.

"Looking good ladies!" He said, looking between us, then just to me. "Good to see you again Abby."

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