Part 76

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The afternoon stretched on in front of us, full of promise. The pier was busy with holiday makers going about their business, and we lazily wound our way through the crowds. It was nice to just be able to take our time, no set destination in mind, no time constraints. This wasn't usual for me and I would normally prefer to have plans in place but it was different being with Abby. Just being with her was enough.

Up ahead I noticed a group of young girls huddled together and one of them looked in our direction, pointing and turning to speak excitedly to her friend. I quickly steered Abby inside the arcade. I was starting to get noticed more and more in public and I knew it would make Abby feel uncomfortable.

I groaned inwardly at the crowds inside. It was chaotic. Families laughed and joked, children darted back and forth, groups of teenagers dotted around, lads trying to look cool to impress the girls. I was just about to suggest that we try and find a quieter spot but Abby's voice sounded from beside me.

"Me and Eve used to love it in here!" She was glancing around, wide-eyes with a kind of child-like excitement. "Wow... this takes me back!"

It was good to see her smiling about a past memory without the usual accompanying sadness in her eyes. A loud jeer went up from the teenage lads who were in a furious competition to outdo each other on a shooting game, desperate to catch the girls' attention. I smiled to myself, also transported back through the years.

"Me and Larry spent so much time in here when we skived school... before I learnt the guitar," I mused.

Abby was grabbing my hand, still excited, as she led me over to the air hockey table. "Come on, I'll challenge you to a game!"


"Yeah come on! What's up, you afraid I'll thrash you?" She laughed, cheeky grin from ear to ear.

"You're on," I replied, narrowing my eyes playfully. "But I'm warning you, I'm pretty competitive!"

She nodded, giggling. I was suddenly struck with a realisation that this was the first time I'd seen her properly carefree. She caught my eye then, allowing me a mischievous grin with a glint in her eye which just made me want to walk right over and take her in my arms, pin her up against the table and kiss her.

She shot the puck fast across the table and it went straight into my goal with a loud thunk. She let out a little cheer.

"Hey! I wasn't ready!" I protested, then I added. "You were distracting me!"

"Better keep your eye on the game then," she shot back, one eyebrow raised.

"Oh... fighting talk eh? I'm not gonna go easy on ya!" I smirked.

Ten minutes later we were laughing so hard I was bent over double whilst Abby had tears of laughter rolling down her cheeks.

"Oh my god you weren't kidding! You could have at least given me a chance!" She cried, nudging me, this time carefully avoiding my injuries.

"I did warn you!"

"When the puck flew off the table and hit that old guy!" She dissolved into fits of laughter again, and I wrapped my arm around her waist, pulling her gently into my side just for a moment, before letting go.

The next few hours slipped away unnoticed in the arcade. We found a photo booth and competed at pulling the silliest faces. I challenged her to a Mario Kart battle and shamelessly beat her. She challenged me on a ridiculous dance mat game where I stumbled and tripped over my own feet, completely embarrassing myself to her delight. We laughed and joked. My cheeks actually hurt from all the smiling.

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