Part 82

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I didn't think I'd ever be able to replicate that high that I experienced stepping out on stage, but taking Abby in my arms that morning, knowing she was mine, I felt a rush just as powerful. She pulled me up on to my feet, laughing, and within a second my arms were around her and my lips were on hers.

"So... d'ya reckon we've got time then? You know... to go back upstairs for a bit?"

I couldn't help myself, all I could think about was kissing her all over and feeling her trembling beneath me again.

"Oh my god are you always like this?" She giggled.

"Mmm..." I pretended to ponder her question. "Only when I have a beautiful girlfriend to take care of."

I let my lips trail down to her neck, kissing her tenderly, smiling to myself as I heard her breathing deepen. "C'mon..." I whispered into her ear.

Then I felt her hands on my chest as she pushed me back slightly. "Van... I really do need to get back, I promised Eve. You know what she's like."

"Okay," I relented, stepping back slightly, trying not to let my disappointment show.

"Hey... we have all time in the world now," she said, offering a smile which I tried my hardest to return, but I could feel a tiny sliver of worry cloud my good mood.

It hadn't just been a reluctance to disturb Abby's peaceful sleep that had lead me to quietly sneak out of the bed we'd shared so early that morning. I'd had a text from Dave with an urgent message to call him.

Still intensely stressed about the band's hiatus due to my injuries he was on my case to get back into it and back out on tour. This would have been music to my ears usually but now all I could think of was how Abby would take the news of me being away for weeks or even months. Australia and Japan were definites for a tour, and South America was being discussed  too. Weeks in the studio recording the album. A revised date for Ibiza Rocks. My fast healing was both a blessing and a curse at the same time. It was like one dream coming true but at the possible expense of another dream being snatched away from me.

"Are you alright?" Abby asked as we made our way back to the house to see my parents before we headed off.

"Better than alright," I smiled. This could wait. I wasn't ready to start throwing obstacles in the way of our happiness just yet.

Abby was practically glowing as my mum fussed around her as we were saying our goodbyes. I thought back to how conflicted I'd been about bringing her to meet my parents. I knew they'd warm to her straight away, but I worried she'd find it too overwhelming with all she'd been through. Now my mum was hugging her and making her promise to visit for a traditional McCann family Christmas!

"Bloody hell it's only July!" I groaned, then looked at Abby, rolling my eyes and mouthing 'sorry'.

"Well she'll deserve a medal if she puts up with you for another six months!" My mum teased.

Another hug from my dad, a stern telling off from my mum about not calling her more often, more goodbyes and we finally made it out the door.

"Sorry, me mam's a bit full-on!" I said as we got into the car.

Abby laughed, reaching over to switch on the radio. "Your mum is so lovely Van... and your dad too. You don't know how lucky you are."

"Yeah... I guess you're right," I agreed. "You know it's just one of those things I've probably always taken for granted. It's easy to do that when life's good I guess."

Abby nodded, slowly like she was working something over in her mind, a smile on her face. "Life IS good... really good. You know what? I don't actually think I've felt this happy for ages. I just feel..." she paused, searching for the right words. "I don't know. I feel kinda light... free... I'm actually looking forward to the future for once."

All The Mixed Feelings (Van McCann)Where stories live. Discover now