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Our SUV came to a halt in the parking lot that had been clustered with many vehicles and the doors were open.

Everyone darted outside while Zac climbed on top of the car to untie our luggage.

We waited patiently as he began to throw our bags at us respectively while mom on the other hand simply walked out.

"Bring the key to me Mae once you are done." She said and started to wander away towards the main building of the resort where we had arrived.

In a short while we were all done and began to walk in the same direction where our mother had walked but I only looked around the whole place sketching for someone.

My eyes landed on the petite body frame I was very familiar with dressed in a sky blue bikini with a floral scarf wrapped around the waist.

I could make out that very beautiful pitch black hair hanging and being blown in almost every direction by the mild wind.

It was Katie, the person I was looking for standing beside the entrance and looking around through her sunglasses which made me think she had not yet seen me.

I walked towards her when I noticed her gaze stop in my direction and she similarly started walking towards me with a smile.

It looked obvious she was happy and I was sure she had noticed me so I smiled back as I approached her and before we could both say a word, she hugged me.

"Oh Nate, it looks like you are the late one today." She said in a jolly manner.

"You know how extremely hard it is getting everyone to move early in a loud and full house." I replied.

"I understand, I get you." Katie said before we pulled apart and began to walk towards the main building.

"I am guessing you have already checked out the beach." I said as we approached the waiting room.

It was very huge and well furnished and flooded with very many people who were busy on their phones and laptops, other kids were simply running around and the whole room was very busy.

"Not really, I was waiting for you to come." Katie replied.

"How sweet of you." I said as we stopped in our tracks.

"Well, I am going to wait for you to change, mom asked me if you could come and hang out with us and the rest of the family, I hope you don't mind." Katie said.

"You know I certainly don't mind because no one in my family might care or notice and if they did, they would not be frightened because I can protect myself and I will be lost having fun." I replied.

"Well, then that is a yes, it is a pleasure to have the whole day to ourselves so that means that more fun for us." Katie said.

"Of course, let me go change." I said before I darted towards the locker rooms which were only a few metres away.

"I was very lucky and may be had the very perfect timing, by the time I approached the door, many boys and men were exiting.

Once I was inside I was thankful to find it less crowded and I was very happy because at least I felt I had some privacy.

I was not the person to change with very many other people present and because I was so used to seclusion, very big crowds made me somehow uncomfortable.

I was a very confident little boy, it was just that the confidence only served effective at school which was entirely boarding because my mother used to travel.

I walked towards the lockers happily, minding less about what was going on but I certainly felt that the whole locker room was deserted.

I did not hear any sort of noises or movements so I thought that I was alone.

I SEE YOU'RE BEAUTIFUL THE SERIES BOOK 1: FIRST LOVEWhere stories live. Discover now