~~~~FORTY ONE~~~~

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Like our relationship so young and new to the world where we were undermined.

Earnestly I wished that like the tree we had planted it would evolve into an everlasting wonder in this land.

Even if time would steal our memories of one another, they'd forever remain alive in my heart.

All I needed to do was look at that tree and be reminded that we would remember us forever.

Nathan Hart.

We ascended up the slope, to our usual place we had grown to call our very own.

The sky was very bright and beautiful and the chill was turning to warmth.

There was a smooth rush of the wind, a peace and a lingering tranquil.

Once we were up on top, we had the view of the rest of the town beneath our feet.

One could make out the very loud noises of the people, rising above buildings to declare their bustle.

The view was just as radiant at day as I remembered it to be a couple of nights ago.

We had not met quite much but in the short time we had spent apart after that beautiful night of confessions, I missed him so much.

I was entirely feeling happy, I was feeling alright, I was on cloud nine, I had totally forgotten about my awful pasts.

I eagerly looked to the future, the dawn of a very new day, having the chance to see Conan, just so that I could love him more and more.

The attention that he gave me was exquisite and each and every time, it gave me the reason I felt I needed to live.

One moment, I was caught up in the history of a place I called home.

Outside without a building but just being there with the person I knew I dearly loved.

"Nathan?" He called my name.

I turned to him only to get a glimpse of those his beautiful chocolate brown eyes.

"What?" I asked after a moment of being lost in my own thoughts for a while.

"The pot." He said.

I looked down a my left arm and then I stared at the pot that I held in my hands.

"Oh, yes, the pot." I said.

"You did not tell me what for." Conan said to me.

"Follow me." I replied and led the way towards the edge of the small cliff.

With the sun shining on us all, illuminating the entire place, all the trees that had once been covered in snow, slowly began to shine brightly green.

"Here." I said as I pointed to the spot right in front of my feet.

Conan came and moved around, stopping in front of me.

I knelt down with the pot, took hold of my bag, opened it and I pulled out a small shovel.

I started to dig the ground as Conan knelt in front of me, feeling a little intimidated to look straight at him.

I was already becoming so shy, something that I had not expected and constantly, I kept on telling myself that it was simply because I was having a hard time getting used to that new relationship.

"Let me help you Nathan." Conan said.

I looked up at him that very instant without thinking twice.

I SEE YOU'RE BEAUTIFUL THE SERIES BOOK 1: FIRST LOVEWhere stories live. Discover now