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I awoke only to feel a brilliant ray of light cast on my eyes.

My head slowly ached and I felt a little bit dizzy.

I strained myself to sit up and face my bedroom window as I slowly watched the orange firmament outside.

After a while staring at the outside sky in awe, I moved my eyes to the alarm clock on my desk.

It was 5:24pm, I instantly started to panic there and then.

My room was almost dark and I could only recall falling asleep after the Christmas lunch meal.

The rest of the house from my room was silent one would think it was actually deserted and I could clearly remember I had an appointment.

"Conan, that's it." I said to myself as I got up and headed straight to the shower.

I was quick to get ready and by the time I was done, it was already 5:53pm.

I did not have the time to reorganise the things I had put in my bag the previous day so I figured out that it might be alright taking them with me.

The second that I was done, I exited my room stealthily and then walked down the staircase.

As I had actually suspected, I noticed that the house was entirely quiet.

There was not a single sound from all the other rooms in the house and the only sound that I clearly heard was that of rushing wind.

I shrugged it off and did not take it seriously so I continued and headed for the front door.

I opened it and I walked out onto the street.

Much of the area outside was deserted as well and only a few people were there wandering the streets.

One might have actually thought the place had no people at all.

I scanned the entire place and it was at that very moment I heard the sound of hymns in the air.

At one end of the street, very many people were gathered there doing something I could not point out even to this day.

I continued walking in the opposite direction where me and Conan usually met.

As I approached the place, I could see someone his size standing in that same spot and I knew that it was him.

The closer I moved to him, the clearer his face became, he smiled at me as I went on and above us, the sky had started to darken.

"I am right on time." I said after I looked at my watch and it was 6:00pm.

"Quite a little bit late." Conan added.

"So, where are we going?" I asked Conan.

"We are going back to where we had been yesterday." He replied.

"Spending the night dancing again, I thought that I had told you it was all alright?" I asked Conan.

"Well, today we shall do something different." Conan replied.

"What?" I asked.

"Could you try and be patient, you will see when we get there." Conan replied.

"Alright." I replied.

We continued walking down the highway as I wondered what it was that Conan was up to at that time.

He was a very unpredictable person and it was very difficult to even try and know what he always thought.

By that time, I had got to know Conan as an expressive person to some and reserved to the majority.

He did however respect all the time we had with one another.

I SEE YOU'RE BEAUTIFUL THE SERIES BOOK 1: FIRST LOVEWhere stories live. Discover now