~~~~THIRTY ONE~~~~

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It had been a couple of days past since I had last seen Conan.

All the texts that I kept on getting from him were very adorable.

He always said good morning with a few pictures, he always talked with me throughout the whole night.

He never left me bored and as the time went by, it was slowly that I started to crave his presence every second.

I felt that I needed him beside me while taking every breath, that I wanted him there every time I would wake up and go to sleep.

I became depressed where he was not, obsessed with the times that we met.

It might sound unreal but I desired to have only him in my dreams, I wanted something more than his friendship but I silently broke down everytime I recalled his words back at that pond.

He did have someone, one person that made him cease to be the player he was.

Personally, I knew I was jealous of that person but I would not admit it, just the thought of Conan with someone else irritated me.

I rarely visited the Bells again after my mother put me on a very strict curfew and lock down.

She wanted me at home in the morning, during dark, after dark, almost every single hour.

She did bail out only a while later, she forgot about me most times, no one ever remembered my birthday, my age, I felt like a stranger in my own home.

I had no one to talk to at home, Mae who was the closest thing to a loving relative only remembered me when she was not on her phone, doing some chores or even sleeping.

To the rest of the house, I felt like a shadow, present but unnoticed.

For thirteen whole years, the desire of sweet attention was a dream far from possible to me.

It was unimaginable until I finally met Conan, he had an interest with me before, he treated me very well and I got accustomed to that.

At a tender age, I had started feeling the conviction of giving up everything, doing anything just so that I could finally have to spend some time with Conan.

Christmas was aproximately close to a week away and the temperatures had already lowered.

Snow had started falling and covering most parts of the country, I always loved it when it snowed.

I would occassionally play out in the snow with the Bells, I would enjoy cooking sometime, sledging and ice skiing.

I was not the master at all these activities but I tried my best given that the Bells greatly supported and motivated me.

It was one afternoon but impossible to tell because of the weather, I had gone playing in the snow with the Bells.

At first, we built a snowman, afterwards, we hit ourselves with snow balls, then we made snow angels, caught snow flakes with our tongues and did some ice skating at the park.

It was near the Bells' manor and was not quite far from my home.

Only a few children of my age hang out in that park at that time of the year and the less crowds made it habitable to me.

I had just finished making my snow angel when I lay on my back looking up and watching the snow fall with Katie.

We smiled, inhaled and exhaled calmly as a mild silence loomed in the air around us.

"Nate?" Katie called my name.

"Yes?" I replied instantly.

"Do you have any christmas wish?" Katie asked.

I SEE YOU'RE BEAUTIFUL THE SERIES BOOK 1: FIRST LOVEWhere stories live. Discover now