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"Well, I will wear it later." I said and a look of disappointment conquered Conan's face.

"Please wear it now." He pleadingly spoke and stared into my eyes.

He had that look that couldn't just be ignored.

Of course, I risked and had to choose between my boyfriend, the person I loved and on the other hand my very good friend.

"Alright." I replied.

"Allow me." Conan said as he took hold of the watch and then brought it closer to my left wrist.

He removed the one Arthur had given me and then he perfectly put his very own on my hand.

I felt happy but a little bit uncomfortable.

I was never the person who was used to wearing heavy watches around my wrist.

I always loved the small leather watches which were a bit lighter and easier to live with.

"Thank you." I lightly said.

"You are the best boy friend any one in the world could ever have." I added in a whisper.

Conan smiled even wider on hearing those words.

"Let me take care of you Nathan." He said as he handed me Arthur's gift.

I unhesitantly lowered it into my bag and then closed it.

"Certainly but I am not certain if Yaregal is on good terms with that." I replied.

"He doesn't need to actually be." Conan said.

That very instant, the classroom started to flood with very many people and our teacher for English walked in.

"Good morning class." He said to all of us.

"Good morning teacher." We replied in unison.

He then started to walk bark and fourth through the aisles that separated our rows.

"As you all probably know and as I have constantly kept on reminding you, this is your final year of junior high.

Very soon , you are going to take tests that will help you advance to another stage and level in your eductaion." He said as he turned to study all the faces in the room.

No one seemed so moved by the conversation and every one was used to that part of it.

The conversation had become a story and the story had evolved into a song every teacher had sung.

"I understand that by now of course, every one in this room has their eyes fixed on their future career and you must be ready for it.

I know and I can assure you that whoever is smart has already laid out a strategy to get to that.

"Yes teacher." Every sang in unison in the tone that sounded so bored and a little sluggish.

"Mr Thompson, what do you want to be in future?" The teacher asked the fat boy that sat at the extreme back of the class.

"I want to be a paediatrician." He replied.

"Some good specifications I hope the rest can borrow a leaf." He said and then turned in my direction.

"What about you Mr. Morton?" He asked the unserious and stubborn blonde kid that sat behind me.

I felt a wave of relief rush in and I took a deep but gentle sigh.

"I want to be a bus driver." He replied.

Everyone else burst into laughter and studying the expression of the teacher, he looked very angry.

I SEE YOU'RE BEAUTIFUL THE SERIES BOOK 1: FIRST LOVEWhere stories live. Discover now