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"I am so sorry, I did not mean to." I said shyly as I hurriedly stood up and walked away as fast as I could returning to my classroom.

Once I was back inside, I could barely breathe and made my way to my table and sat down.

I was sweating profusely and my heart beat was so intense I felt uneasy and also very shy to look at anyone at that very moment.

"Why did I feel very weird, why did I feel so small, what was I doing turning around that fast?" I asked myself all these questions and I am sure it must have bern my loud enough breathing that captured Arthur's attention.

"What is wrong with you Nate, you look like you just hit something or encountered something frightening?" Arthur asked.

"It is nothing." I replied stutteringly.

"It does not sound like nothing, are you having a panic attack, just breathe a very calm and deep breath will do you very well." Arthur said.

"Fine." I said and took a deep breath in and a deep breath out until I trusted that I had found my composure and had finally relaxed.

"Thank you so much Arthur." I said.

"No need to thank me, it is fine Arthur said with a casual smile.

"Aren't you going for recess?" Arthur asked me.

"Not really, I think I prefer staying in class, it is just a small meal and I am not a fan of eating very much." I replied.

"Well, then I guess I can stay here with you." Arthur said.

"Why is that?" I asked curious to know.

"I cannot just leave you here alone, did you see the look on your face when you walked in a few minutes ago, it was awful." Arthur said.

That was very weird, no one except the Bells had ever been that concerned about me, not even my family at all.

"It is very fine, you can go, I will be fine, you cannot miss recess because of me." I said.

"I am worried for you as a friend and as a roommate Nate, trust me, I cannot leave you here alone." Arthur said.

"Very fine then but I will have to make it up to you later." I said insistingly.

"I will have no problem, in the mean time, I will sleep for a while until our recess is over." Arthur said as he put his head down on his desk.

"I also put mine down and looked at him, he was looking down and I did not think he saw me staring that keenly at him.

Arthur was full of surprises, he had been very nice to me since the day that I had arrived at this school.

"Thank you." I whispered sure enough that he had not heard me and I felt my eyelids getting heavier with every second that flew by.

I then surrendered to the slumber which prevailed for a while until I heard the very loud sound of a clanging gong.

I awoke and sat up straight as masses of other students dashed  in probably returning from their recess.

"Arthur, wake up." I called as I tapped him and he responded instantly and sat up as well.

Almost minutes afterwards, There was a very tall and fat man who walked in, he had a very round and chubby face and small but poppt eyes.

His hands were very hairy and he wore a simple pink long sleeved shirt with sleeves folded back and a pair of grey trousers.

He dropped a pile of books on to the teacher's desk and then moved towards the middle front of the class.

He wore the most serious expression but he topped it up with a smile that promised nothing more than pain.

I SEE YOU'RE BEAUTIFUL THE SERIES BOOK 1: FIRST LOVEWhere stories live. Discover now