~~~~FIFTY TWO~~~~

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It was the middle of the Literature lesson and Mrs Martha was still taking us through Emily Bronte's Wuthering Heights.

Suddenly, there was a knock at the door and everyone in the whole class shifted there eyes to the door way.

From my angle, it was quite impossible to see who the person at the door was.

The teacher looked at the door and I heard a very familiar voice that I felt like leaping for joy.

"Please teacher may I come in?" The person requested.

"Yes Mr. Brown." Mrs Martha replied.

"Thank you." He calmly said and stepping into the spotlight, he was cheered by the class.

It was a surprise, my Conan was back and he wore a merry but reserved facial expression.

"I am sure you will fill in your colleagues on your adventures given that you had a very short holiday." Mrs. Martha said.

It must have been out of sarcasm but the rest of the class laughed.

But Conan, he did not.

The first place that his eyes looked once he was a few steps away from the door were at me.

I was unable to read the expression that was hidden behind his glare and almost at lightning speed he looked in the other direction.

Conan started off in the seat where he had been trabsferred the last time and then he settled down.

I was unable to take my eyes from him as he opened up his bag and then started to pull out a couple of scholarstics.

"Mr Hart?" The teacher called my name.

"Yes teacher." I confidently replied.

"Could you please give us five character traits of Heathcliff from your perspective?" She asked me.

I stood up and then I looked at every one in the class as they all shot me glances of what appeared to be awe.

Amongst all the people that looked at me, Conan was among but I could tell from his gaze that he was thinking about something else.

He seemed to be looking at me differently from all the others but I couldn't tell why.

"May be he missed me." I consoled myself.

"But he is wearing a look of curiosity." I thoughg to myself.

"Mr. Hart, could you be a little bit quicker than this at thinking?" Mrs. Martha said in a requesting tone.

"In my opinion, Heathcliff is a very reserved person, he is cold hearted, gothic, non interactive mostly because he is not much of a talker.

He is so obsessed and also enthusiastic that he sticks to what he wants." I replied.

"Hmmm." She muttered.

The rest of the class was thrown into wonder.

"Class, do you agree with him?" Mrs. Martha asked.

"Yes." The majority replied.

"Impressive, very strong and sincere observation Mr. Hart." Mrs. Martha replied.

"Hmmm." I muttered and took my seat.

"Is there any one person that is close to Heathcliff's character in this room?" Mrs. Martha asked.

The rest of the class started to murmur and one boy put up his hand at the back of class.

"Yes Mr. Higgins." Mrs. Martha replied.

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