~~~~FIFTY SIX~~~~

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By the time I woke up, it was already 8:00am.

I was so excited that I was finally going to meet Conan that I could barely settle down at all.

My younger siblings and relatives were long gone to the play park and my mother had departed for work so I had a whole house to myself.

I descended down and prepared myself some sausages and pancakes for break fast.

I was quick to eat all of them and once I was done, with all the preparation, it was coming to 9:30am.

I walked out of the house to the very end of the street.

There, I waited impatiently for the arrival of Conan.

Time went by slowly until it was approaching 10:30am and I had been there close to an hour.

A part of me was starting to get worried if something serious had come up or something bad had happened.

"Where is Conan, he isn't the kind of person to be late." I thought to myself.

After a while, it was thirty five minutes past ten when a black dugati pulled over in front of me.

The rider was dressed in plain black and gold and if it was Conan, I had never seen him dressed in a gothic way before.

At the back of the motorcycle, I could see a black guitar case that had been tied to it.

A part of me wondered what Conam would have carried the guitar for but I ignored it later.

When the rider pulled off his helmet, he revealed his pitch black hair tinted with gold.

"Sorry that I was late." Conan told me and I was a little bit too shocked to speak.

He wore a new and complex look I had never seen him wearing before.

"What is with you?" I asked.

"What, don't you really love my new look?" Conan asked me.

"Well, I love it, I am just surprised." I replied.

"I was objective of it before but I got so bored and decided to get a little creative." Conan said.

"That is so not you." I replied.

"How do you know?" Conan asked me.

"You told me you disliked flashy things." I replied.

He seemed to let his mind wander away trying to remember when he said that.

I was a little bit shocked that he had forgotten but a while later he snapped his fingers to show that he remembered it.

"Alright, I remember." He said with a smile.

"So, to be frank, what happened?" I asked him.

"You have me, I was actually forced by some one." Conan replied.

"Who?" I asked a little bit curious.

"It was a friend." Conan replied.

"And your parents were in for it?" I asked.

"It is not like I had a choice actually, they fancied the idea given that it was Lin who asked." Conan replied.

"Lin, who is that?" I asked a little bit surprised.

Conan went silent for a while and judging by his facial expression he seemed to look for an answer.

He shrugged and frowned shortly after before he spoke up to me again.

I SEE YOU'RE BEAUTIFUL THE SERIES BOOK 1: FIRST LOVEWhere stories live. Discover now