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"He asked me to be his boyfriend." I said.

"Are you serious?" Katie asked me as we walked into their house.

"Yes, personally, I had a hard time believing that it was real." I replied to her.

"Oh my goodness, are you sure he is serious?" She asked.

"I could tell, every bit of his aura was sincere, his eyes, it was as though he was an open book I could read.

I felt so tangled up in a lot of thoughts and emotions as well that I simply couldn't think straight." I replied.

"And what was your answer?" Katie asked.

I looked down and I could feel myself blushing already.

"Goodness, is that a blush?" Katie asked despite knowing that I knew she knew the answer.

"I said yes." I replied.

"I really know you mustn't have had second thoughts while finding a reply to that question." Katie said.

"I actually thought a lot about it." I replied as we slowly sat down on the dining table.

"Why, there might have been no need for all that, you told me last time that you crushed on him?" Katie asked.

"Well, It was just too fast for me to comprehend, it was certainly like a dream that was becoming real too fast.

Additionally, it was not like I actually knew Conan that much to know his sexuality.

He always received mails from very many girls in other schools across the country particularly this one girl called Lindsay love.

He had mentioned it before that he had fallen for someone and I did not know that someone was me." I replied.

"Oh, definitely you should have thought long enough." Katie said.

"Absolutely, it felt like he was teasing me at first, that was how I first saw things but turns out he was sincere.

He meant everything and just to crown the hall night he gave me this and asked me to wear it all the time." I said as I lowered my hands through my jumper's neck and pulled out the golden tagged chain.

I brought it closer to Katie's face so that she could read the words that had been engraved in it.


"Goodness, he is this romantic?" Katie said and I thought she was asking.

"Yes, how did you think he was exactly?" I asked.

"From your description of his habits and the way that we met earlier this year, I expected him to be more gothic.

He really looked like a person who didn't fancy socialising with others." Katie replied.

"Surprisingly, he has a large group of minions and disciples back at school." I said.

"That would sound so crazy in the ears of someone seeing him for the first time.

And also considering that he gave you something this expensive, he might be from a well off family." Katie said.

"Certainly, his Father is a business tycoon." I replied.

"Well, I wonder exactly what it was that he was thinking coming down to our humble and beautiful town." Katie said.

"He told me he actually didn't fancy living in the luxuries, he wanted simple and ordinary standards." I replied.

I SEE YOU'RE BEAUTIFUL THE SERIES BOOK 1: FIRST LOVEWhere stories live. Discover now