~~~~FIFTY ONE~~~~

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"That must really be so awful." Charles said.

"Very much." I replied.

"Can't he at least give you a hint?" Charles said.

"Not really, though I feel that it has something to do with the reason that he fought with Arthur." I replied.

"Well, keep trying to get a chance to talk to him, you might not know that he will listen." Charles said.

"I am trying but there is no use." I replied.

"Well, then keep on trying a little bit harder than before." Charles said.

"It isn't that easy, if it was, I aould have done it a long time ago." I said.

"It is not always easy but if he is giving up on you, you simply can't just give up on him.

Remind him how important he still is to yoy." Charles said.

I thought about it and his words really did make a lot of sense to me.

"Alright then, I will try a little bit harder than before." I replied.

"Go for it." Charles encouragingly said to me.

I took heed of his advice.

Soon enough, the lunch break was over and I was heading back towards the class room.

As I walked into the room, I was hit by a crumpled piece of paper on my head.

I picked up the piece of paper and I looked around but every one in class seemed to be busy and focused on something else.

I tried to look around for Conan most probably but I couldn't get a glimpse of him.

I walked to my seat with the piece of paper in my hand and then once I sat down, I unfolded it.

On the piece of paper, there was a sentence in an unruly handwriting.

"Who could ever love a faggot as ugly as yourself." I read the piece of paper.

At that very moment, I was literally shocked, offended and at the same time, miserable because of what I had read.

I looked around once again but there was no one I could suspect so I diverted my gaze from the class back to the piece of paper.

"A homophobe knows my sexuality." I kept on mentally nagging myself.

I had fought so hard to keep it a secret from every one else in the public, if they knew it at that moment it was the end of me.

I was not certain if my studies would continue normally, I had no idea what the rest of the school would see me as.

I was very scared, yet I was sure only those that I could trust knew my sexuality, could they have told some others, I was certainly not sure about that.

I panicked and I looking at my watch, I still had twenty minutes for afternoon classes to begin.

"I strode out of the class room immediately and headed for the lavatories in the hope that I would come down.

I crumpled the piece of paper in my hand as I moved around the many corridors until I approached the lavatory doors.

I got inside and then I walked into one of the empty stalls.

Luckily for me, they were empty and  so I locked myself inside and sat in the toilet bowel.

I gripped tightly at my hair as I started to think who could be doing that to me and writing those chits.

I SEE YOU'RE BEAUTIFUL THE SERIES BOOK 1: FIRST LOVEWhere stories live. Discover now