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"You?" I said so surprised.

"Yes." He replied looking serious.

"What are you doing here?" I asked.

"We need to talk." Conan replied.

"I am not ready at the moment, I am busy, we shall talk some other time." I said before I took hold of the door and decided to shut it.

He must have tried to stop me that shortly after I heard a loud yelp that interrupted me and made me cease to close the door.

I hurriedly opened the door and looked at him pulling away his left hand fingers.

"What is wrong?" I asked him.

"You shut my fingers." He replied as she showed me the three middle fingers on his left hand that had already started to turn pink.

"I am so sorry, do you need to go to the sanitorium?" I asked.

"Maybe I could simply just take a short rest inside to let the pain cool down before I can go." Conan said.

"Alright, fine you may come in." I said opening the door wider and letting him walk in.

"You can seat on the chair near the study table." I said while pointing at the empty seat near the window that was only a few metres away.

I closed the door and then I walked towards my bed where I sat down and got my HARRY POTTER AND THE CURSED CHILD NOVEL diving into the pages and started to read it.

I had all my attention fixed on the book that I was entirely to busy to even look at Conan and monitor what he was doing on the table.

"What is this?" He said and I was forced to look at what it was that he was holding.

"Oh, that is not mine, it belongs to my roommate, do not touch anything." I said before going back to what I was reading.

"Is he the one that you seat next to in class, on your right and in the labs?" He asked.

"Yes, it is him." I replied without shifting my gaze because I knew that anytime I would guve up and look at him, it was something that I would regret sooner or later.

There was a silence that prevailed in the room and I was very comfortable with it either way because I felt good reading uninterruptedly.

The silence was short lived when I heard something falling down that I was pulled into looking at him to sed what it was that he had done.

"Sorry, I just dropped a book." He said with a smile as he reached down and picked up one of my novels.

"I thought I said it clearly when I told you not to touch anything." I said looking at him with fury.

"I am so sorry, it was just a small accident and nothing is broken." He said.

"Are your fingers feeling better because you are disturbing my reading time?" I said loudly.

"I am sorry but there is only tiny progress with the pain." He replied.

"I do not think you want it to heal." I muttered under my breath.

"What?" He asked.

"Nothing, I just read something here." I replied.

"We have not yet been properly introduced before." He suddenly mentioned to me.

"Oh, I know, so?" I replied and asked.

"So I was hoping that we could perhaps talk more in the mean time and get to know each other." he replied.

I SEE YOU'RE BEAUTIFUL THE SERIES BOOK 1: FIRST LOVEWhere stories live. Discover now