~~~~TWENTY SIX~~~~

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The ride home was very silent and I was lost in my thoughts thinking about everything that had happened earlier.

"Are you alright?" I heard Conan asking me.

"Yes." I replied as the motorcycle slowed down at the end of the street.

"We are here." Conan said.

After he had stopped, I got off the motorcycle and then I faced him.

I removed the helmet and handed it over to him with the smile.

"Thank you." I said.

"For?" He asked.

"For everything." I replied.

"No problem, so tell me, did you actually like it?" He asked me.

"No, I loved it." I replied.

"Are you up for another time soon?" He asked.

"I can't wait." I replied.

"So you are too eager for our next meeting as well?" He asked.

"You can say that, it is just 4:30pm today and I have to go." I replied.

"Don't forget to come with the camera next time, it will be of much more use than it was today." He said.

"Of course I won't." I replied.

"I will call you later." Conan said.

"Bye." I said while waving at him.

"Bye." he replied and started the motorcycle.

He made a U turn and then rode out of sight down the street as my eyes followed him.

I was very happy to have spent the day out, so overjoyed that he actually took me to beautiful places.

One could not imagine how heartwarming it was getting to forget about your daily stress and misery.

For me, hanging out with someone was a theory that I had never had a success in proving.

With Conan and Katie, it was very successful because I felt that the two were so understanding.

I felt it, I asked myself multiple times why Conan went out of his way in the struggle to keep me happy, at some point it felt like I knew the answer but I was not accepting it.

I walked gently up the street to our gate, walked through the small one and landed on our wide porch.

I progressed while following the walkway inside until I came to stop at the doorway.

I could hear the faint noises coming from inside but I did not slow down at all as I opened the door and walked straight up stairs.

Once I got up onto the second floor, I moved straight through the halls to my room and I surprisingly found it open.

I could hear noises coming from inside and I was tempted to encroach on the conversation of whoever it was that was trespassing in my territory.

I was halted in my footsteps when I saw my mother inside my bedroom talking to another man.

His face looked very familiar and I tried to remember where I had seen him but I was unable to put a finger on exactly who he was.

"Mom?" I called.

"Nathan?" She replied surprised as she studied me.

"Yes." I said.

"Where have you been?" My mother asked as she sent me that serious death glaze of hers.

I SEE YOU'RE BEAUTIFUL THE SERIES BOOK 1: FIRST LOVEWhere stories live. Discover now