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"Nate, Nate, get up." I heard someone call my name.

The calling was accompanied by some violent shaking and that was enough to bring me out of my sleep.

I slowly opened my eyes and looking up above me towered the most handsome face.

His brown eyes staring into my blue ones, our noses only inches apart.

I lay there frozen, so lost in time as I kept my gaze fixed on him.

"Nate." He called my name once again.

"I am awake." I replied as I slightly lifted myself while he pulled himself away from me.

"Don't you think it is a little too close." I whispered.

"Sorry, did I make you uncomfortable?" He asked.

"No." I instantly replied and then I held my mouth in shock.

"I mean yes, I mean..." I went short of words.

"I hope you did not take it badly." I said.

"No worries, its alright." Conan replied.

I shifted my gazs and stared at the sky, it was already purple.

"It looks like we might have slept the night away." I said.

"It is probably my fault." Conan said.

"No it isn't." I opposed.

"I slept off before we would completely sing and dance the whole night away." He said.

"You must have been so tired." I said.

"But I failed to fulfill your wish fully." Conan said.

"Do not tell me you actually feel guilty." I said.

"Pretty much." Conan replied.

"Can you not take this seriously?" I asked.

"Everything about you I take seriously." Conan replied.

I shied away immediately.

Hearing him say those words, my heart skipped a bit and I was completely flabbergasted.

"Are you alright?" Conan asked.

"I am flattered." I whispered under my breath.

"No need to be." He said.

I was actually shocked that he had heard a word I had said given that I tried hard to keep it low.

I slowly started to ponder, a way to make him feel less guilty than he was.

I was quite sure this was something Conan might never let go.

I looked at the sky, slowly becoming lighter with every second.

"May be you can still make it up to me." I said as I turned to Conan.

"How?" He asked in a bored and lowly tone.

"It is not yet sunrise, the sun is not yet up, I suppose we can still sing and dance until the sun is up." I said.

"Really?" He asked unconvinced.

I reacted quickly by turning on the radio.

The very first song that played was SOME DAY by MICHAEL LEARNS TO ROCK.

I got to my feet and started to sing along.

"Really?" Conan said not buying the idea.

"Get up and join me." I replied stubbornly in a merry tone.

I SEE YOU'RE BEAUTIFUL THE SERIES BOOK 1: FIRST LOVEWhere stories live. Discover now