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It was coming to 4:30pm when we started heading back from where we had come.

I tightly embraced Conan as he rode me back to my home.

It took a couple of hours because the streets weren't crowded with vehicles.

I remember the sun was starting to slowly set by the time we arrived in town.

Once there, I was at ease confident that I would be home a little bit early.

Conan stopped at the end of the street where he had picked me up and I got off.

"How was the day?" He asked me as he took my helmet in his hands.

"Wonderful." I replied.

"I promise to catch up to you real soon." He said.

"Sure, give me a call or you can most probably text me when you get home.

That way I will know that you rode safe." I said.

"Don't you trust my skills?" Conan asked.

"I trust that you are a good rider but anything can happen out of the blue." I replied.

"Are you trying to jinx me?" Conan asked.

"Not really, may be I want to read your text right before I can sleep." I replied.

"It is that easy to say, I can do it almost every night." Conan said.

"Fine, just get going, it is already becoming dark." I said.

"Trying to get rid of me, you really are heartless." Conan said.

"I am just concerned and I do not want you to get grounded." I replied.

"Fine, I'll get going." Conan said.

"I love you." I said.

"I love you too." He replied and he started the motorcycle.

I bid him adieu and then he made a turn and rode away at nearly lightning speed.

I stood there smiling at his retreating figure as he vanished in a distance around the corner.

When I was confident that he was gone, I decided to walk into my compound.

The light was on and I supposed that my younger siblings were home so I walked inside.

My mother's car was not on the porch so I was more relieved that she hadn't yet returned from work.

Once I was inside, I was greeted by my eldest sister Mae.

"Nathan, where were you?" She asked me looking so angry.

"Running." I replied.

"We have been back from the park about a couple of hours ago." She said.

"I was bored so I headed out, you did not expect me to sit around here waiting for you to return." I said to her.

"If I tell mom about this then you will be awfully grounded." She reprimanded.

"It isn't like I actually care so do not make a fuss out of it." I said to her.

"What is wrong with you, you don't usually talk like this?" Mae said.

"When was the last time you actually talked to me in a very casual conversationt?" I asked her.

She instantly kept quiet at that as she couldn't seem to remember.

Being frank, I also didn't.

"I don't know." Mae replied.

"Exactly, so you do not know me." I said to her.

I SEE YOU'RE BEAUTIFUL THE SERIES BOOK 1: FIRST LOVEWhere stories live. Discover now