~~~~SIXTY TWO~~~~

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It isn't every day that you actually get to meet up with your boyfriend.

It also isn't every day that that day happens to be your anniversary.

It isn't everday that it happens to fall on Christmas night.

And it isn't every day that you get the greatest surprises of your life.

I was keen not to waste any time and my escape from home was as early as 6:00pm.

I was so determined to meet up with Conan, pumped by very many days and nights with out a single sight of him.

I couldn't imagine what he had looked like, I couldn't be sure if he had changed like the last time.

One would clearly say, it was more like a thought that dragged me through every day.

The skies were barely dark and some stars had started to appear.

It was snowing mildly outside and a little bit chilly as well.

I walked as slow as I possibly could having it in mind that I didn't want to wait long for Conan.

A part of me was deeply excited that eventually, I would get to see Conan and I couldn't help but think about what would happen.

I had in my possession the disc, after I had everything burnt onto it, I was confident when he saw it he would love it.

I also carried the beautiful seedling in its pot with my bare hands.

It was a matter of time when finally, I started to ascend the hill.

It was already entirely dark at that moment and the sky was richly covered im stars.

I could see the moon shining bright above me as its light was reflected by the snow.

After a while, I got to the top and at once noticed a crude silhoutte seated under a small peach tree.

I recalled that peach tree just from seeing it, it was a symbol of our love.

It stood fairly tall and majestic and at that time snow covered.

Gazing at it took me back into my memories as I remembered that night we had planted it.

I couldn't help but smile myself either as I leaped out of excitement.

"Conan?" I called his name.

He didn't seem to listen.

"Conan?" I called again as I came closer to him but there wasn't a reply or reaction.

I came up close to him and when I touched his shoulder, he shiddered and looked frightened.

"It's me." I said the instant that he turned to me.

"Nathan?" He said as though uncertain if I was real.

"Yes." I replied assuringly with a smile.

He struggled to give me a small smile and then he finally bowed down his head.

"You are here?" He said as I sat down.

"Of course, were you expecting someone else?" I asked.

"No." He replied while shaking his head.

"That was meant to be rhetoric." I said.

"I replied just in case." Conan said.

I noticed that from all his actions, he was very sad and lowly.

"Is there any thing wrong with you?" I asked him.

"No." He replied.

"Why do you think so?" He asked me.

I SEE YOU'RE BEAUTIFUL THE SERIES BOOK 1: FIRST LOVEWhere stories live. Discover now