~~~~FORTY TWO~~~~

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We decided to walk our way to the carnival as everyone around the entire place jubilated and made noises joyously.

We had thought of stopping by some restaurants in town for lunch before continuing to the leisure park.

It was only a matter of time before we could enter the new year.

Posters hang on the streets in town advertising the launch into a brand new year.

It was a year we were going to leave everything else behind, a year where we were going to all start something new.

I recall the choirs I had heard, singing that English folk song Auld Land Syne.

There was beauty everywhere but I could not compare it to ours.

For a second, it felt as though the entire world was empty and it was just the two of us in our peace.

Enjoying our supposedly young and sweet love and getting used to being right next to each other.

In a way, I was confident that our heart beats and our breaths were syncronized.

We even endeavoured to make our footsteps match when ever we walked together.

I was too shy to hold hands with Conan so I literally pocketed in my jacket as we walked.

I kept my head a little bit low because I was certain to be blushing at that very moment.

We walked down the busy streets and it was quite fine that people ignored us or either they were absent minded.

No one looked at us and I was very grateful for that fact of some invisibility to the world.

No attention and no public spotlight, I just wished that my life remained that way.

We walked into a restaurant, surprised a little bit that it was not locked at all.

Most of the businesses had temporarily shut down because it was a public holiday in a common sense but a few were still running.

Once we moved in, we noticed that there were barely any people inside.

About only two tables had customers and all the rest stood there empty.

All they possessed was cutlery and some menus with the table mats.

We walked through all the seats in the restaurant to particularly one that was stationed in the corner.

Through the wide glass of the window, you would gaze across the street and see the people loitering outside.

Straight away in a blink of an eye, we noticed a young woman walking our way.

She smiled to reveal her pearly white teeth and she looked too sweet with her curly blonde hair.

She had a hooked nose and a chiseled face, with fairly large cheek bones and bright sky blue eyes.

She wore a short maroon skirt with a yellow shirt and reading the tag that hung above her shirt pocket on the left I learnt she was called Madeline.

"May I take your orders." She asked in the softest monotone voice.

"Could you give us a second to figure it out in the mean time, get us two cokes." Conan said.

"Sure." She replied and she wonderfully sashayed away.

"So what will you be having?" Conan turned and looked at me.

"Well, I do not know, there is so much on the menu." I replied as I scrutinized it carefully.

I SEE YOU'RE BEAUTIFUL THE SERIES BOOK 1: FIRST LOVEWhere stories live. Discover now