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I gazed at the ceiling unable to sleep and also deeply lost within my thoughts.

I felt entirely complicated and it was coming to 1:00am in the morning.

All that clouded my mind was the memories from yesterday which had ended about fifty five minutes ago.

We had barely been twelve hours apart but the memory felt fresh like it had just happened a couple of seconds ago.

The hardest thing was coping with every single one of my thoughts because I was unable to even comprehend the type of feelings that I had cropped up deep inside.

My entire mind over the past two hours had only been thinking about one person and that was Conan.

When I attempted to close my eyes and sleep, all that I could see in the dark was those magnificent and handsome brown eyes of his.

Never in my life had I been so fixed, feeling so relaxed and free, feeling so alive from deel down within.

"What is so special about you?" I asked myself as I wondered.

I turned and faced my left and then stared at my alarm clock.

It was 00:58am already and I was not even feeling a single ounce of sleep.

I shifted my gaze up towards the ceiling and sighed in and out.

"What to do?" I asked myself but I was unable to formulate an answer myself.

"What is this feeling?" I asked myself but my mind went void once again.

It was a couple of hours that flew by and it was already 6:30 am.

I walked out of bed and then made my way downstairs.

I immediately started cleaning the compound like I usually did and it was a matter of minutes before I was done.

Everyone usually slept in the entire Saturday morning so what I decided to do was make myself breakfast.

Once I had finished all my responsibilities I decided to ride my bicycle all the way to Bell manor.

Once I arrived and rang the door bell, I heard the sound of footsteps running down the stairs.

"Who is it?" I heard Mrs Bell call and almost instantly, the door was flung open and it revealed the young and enthusiastic Georgie.

I smiled and let my braces glow in his face.

"It is Nate." He replied and then he walked away letting me walk inside.

"Can I get you anything?" He asked me gently.

"Not at all, I just had breakfast from home and I am satisfied, you may go back to what you were doing." I said.

Georgie instantly dashed in to the kitchen leaving me alone in the corridor that was situated between the kitchen and the living room.

I walked to the kitchen following him from behind and it was only seconds afterwards when he ran out of it with a plate of cookies.

He nearly smashed in to me but thanks to my speed, I was able to step aside in time to save the both of us from a very serious collision.

I walked in and was shocked when I noticed a similar muscular back facing me.

It had to be one of the Bell brothers but it was very difficult to know who it was because the all shared a common height and physique.

The person must have sensed another presence inside that they turned around to face me.

I SEE YOU'RE BEAUTIFUL THE SERIES BOOK 1: FIRST LOVEWhere stories live. Discover now