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That Friday dawned with a lot of surprises, for the first time I was actually seriously preparing to meet someone which I had never done in my life before.

I thoroughly washed my head early morning with the strawberry smelling shampoo that I was accustomed to.

I brushed my teeth about five times and flossed them whenever I had something to eat or drink other than water.

I went an extra step ahead to iron my clothes thoroughly which was a white tight long sleeved shirt and a pair of black sweatpants.

I dusted my black and white air max sneakers and borrowed Mae's bicycle which had been kept away for a while.

It never looked girly at all by the way because when Mae was young, she was not a fan of those very bright and shiny colours.

It was because of this reason that mom managed to get her a navy blue mountain bicycle but it only came to great use for a couple of months before she quit riding a bicycle claiming that it was undignified of a girl like her.

Being kept with so much stuff, the bicycle had gathered up so much dust over the years and the very first task I did after readying my attires was to wash it clean and spotless.

Doing all that, no one seemed to even bother and ask why so I guessed many thought that I finally found something else to do other than lock myself away the entire day and read my books or go for a walk around the neighbourhood.

It was crazy that I was following a list of things to do that I had drafted in the middle of night to ensure that this was a very good meeting for the both of us.

"What are you doing with that thing?" A voice asked me from behind.

I turned around and noticed that may was seated on the bench that was stationed near the store house outside looking at me.

"I just thought I would clean this bicycle and take it out for a ride after being bored." I replied.

"Oh really, there is something not usual about you today." Mae finally said as I studied her eyes moving up and down definitely studying me.

"Why is that?" I curiously asked.

"May be it is because I have not seen you in a long time but you look smarter than you usually are while at home." She replied.

"Being more responsible and becoming cleaner is part of growing up." I replied.

"That is very logical in deed, I now get it, never mind." She said before standing up and walking back to the house while texting on her phone.

I sighed out of relief.

"Thank God she actually believed that at least I think because there is no way I am certainly ready to tell anyone that I am trying to act cool and smart because I have a meeting with someone later this afternoon." I said to myself and returned to what I had been doing.

I had to be time conscious, I did not know what it was that had propelled me to acting this strange of late and even more shockingly, I could certainly not comprehend why I attached so much attention to a meeting I was having with someone I barely knew.

We were not that close to friends nor were we neighbours who lived near each other, we simoly lived in the same area that was all and I was still keen on keeping our status at the level of being mere acquaintances.

It was exactly 2:00pm when I started off from home.

I did my level best trying to keep clean as I carefully rode my way towards the beach.

I SEE YOU'RE BEAUTIFUL THE SERIES BOOK 1: FIRST LOVEWhere stories live. Discover now