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I walked in through the classroom doors followed by Arthur and Ted.

I made my way to the second column and took the vacant seat on the fourth row.

I was face to face with the chalk board as Arthur took the seat beside me.

The classroom which was then filled with lots of other students was noisy for a while and the boys there talked with one another.

I simply got out a few of my books and put them in my locker and afterwards, I put my bag on my chair.

I had managed to sneak in a novel for my first period just so that I could easily read without being bothered as the teacher took their time to come.

It was Emily Bronte's WUTHERING HEIGHTS, the unabridged version which was about five hundred pages long.

I opened the book to page 209 and continued reading it, there was always that very strong element of love in this novel that I felt attached to somehow.

It was the story of betrayals, forbidden passion, death, torture and delusion, the fact that it was a Romance tragedy, I loved reading it.

As I was so lost in the novel, I felt a gentle tap on my shoulder from my right and I turned only to meet the gaze of Arthur who warmly smiled at me.

For a while my gaze was frozen on that very sweet and handsome look that overcame his entire face.

"You really love reading that much." He said probably trying to start a conversation between the both of us.

Arthur was the one person I had gotten to know very well during the past orientation week.

Arthur was very open minded and very friendly to me, he actually cared very much to talk to me and not only was he the perfect roommate but also the one person I could so far count on for a sincere friend.

"Reading is more of my refuge at school from the bustle of the classroom along with every other form of disorganization that comes along with it." I replied.

"Wuthering heights, what is it about?" He asked me with a very curious expression hanging on his face.

"Are you very certain you do not know this popular eighteenth century romance?" I asked in a joking manner.

"I am certainly not a fun of reading things in that timeline but may be you could teach me to like it." Arthur said.

"That won't be necessary, there are Literature teachers at this school who are far more experienced and could provide much better help than I can." I replied.

"Well, please help me a little bit please, roommate's request." Arthur pleaded.

He looked sincere and besides, with the time I had known him, he was the one person I could trust.

"Alright, that is fine but because it is you asking, had it been anyone else, I wouldn't have been this generous." I replied.

Immediately, the doors of the classroom were flung open and it  took my attention from Arthur to the direction of the door.

A while later, through the doors walked in a group of boys but amidst them all I spotted one very familiar figure I did not expect to see.

It was those familiar brown eyes, I could not remember how long it had been but roughly eleven days since our last meeting.

We went separate ways after our final encounter and never had I thought that fate had it in mind to make our paths cross again.

As though instantly, as I looked at Conan walk by, he looked back at me and we locked our gazes on one another.

I SEE YOU'RE BEAUTIFUL THE SERIES BOOK 1: FIRST LOVEWhere stories live. Discover now