~~~~FORTY NINE~~~~

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I never came closer to Arthur in the weeks and days that followed.

Every time I came up close enough to talk to him, he waved it off and acted busy.

I was certain that a conversation with me was resented by him and he was in no mood to talk.

It became clear he was avoiding me and I could respect his decision.

It hurt me every time but I found the courage to keep on leaning on hope that with time he would actually forgive me for my misdemeanours.

It was one time that I had forgotten one of my books back at our study block.

I did not intend on sleeping without it and without debating with myself, I unhesitantly strode back to the complex for it.

Much of the study part of school had been deserted and the play grounds and dormitories were clustered.

In fact, one would think the school was empty because it was only a few students that were still at the upper side of school.

Once I arrived at the block, I took the staircase and ascended onto the third floor where my class room originally stood.

Once there, I walked straight into the class room which was entirely deserted at the moment except for one seat.

It was stationed in the very centre of the room and I could clearly make out the familiar physique very well.

"Arthur?" I called the occupants name.

He lifted his head and his eyes met mine.

I could see a short while later the look of disgust that swept over his face when he looked up at me.

"Never mind." I said as I bent my head and looked down while I continued to walk to my seat.

I did not bother shooting another glance at him until I managed to get to my locker.

I slowly took the book inside with millions of thoughts clouding my head.

I was unable to comprehend exactly what my mind and heart both wanted at the same time.

Once I got hold of the book, I slowly started to walk towards the door way to make an exit for the room.

Instantly, I stopped in my tracks while I looked at the book in my hands.

I had a gut feeling that held me back and my legs as well as the rest of my body seemed to react in line with it.

I was not thinking clearly but the very first thing that came to my mind was to face it all.

It was the last thing I was sure the both of us expected but I gathered the courage to turn around.

Without any hesitation, I started to walk towards the centre of the classroom much swifter than I had ever walked before.

Once I came up close towards Arthur, he stood at that moment and started to close his books.

He was lifting them up but I smacked them back down on the table just enough to trigger the rage he had accumulated.

"We need to talk." I staunchly spoke up to him.

"There is nothing for us to talk about." Arthur coldly replied.

"But I have something to talk to you about." I insisted.

"Save yourself the burden I am not interested in this conversation of yours so if you would excuse me, I have far more important matters to tend to." Arthur said.

I SEE YOU'RE BEAUTIFUL THE SERIES BOOK 1: FIRST LOVEWhere stories live. Discover now