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It was already coming to the end of the year and the elapse of time was very fast.

I had barely got a chance to talk to Conan and whenever I came across him, his talk was only academic.

A couple of times, he always got away for extra lessons and also consultation.

I did respect his decision to read hard and a great part of me believed it was the examination stress that bothered him.

I did my very best also trying to read hard and consult, I was so determined to get the very best result.

There were a couple of sleepless nights and I had my novels locked away to allow me to concentrate.

It was a rainy Saturday and I had decided to move from the dormitory to upper school to read.

I walked alone most of the journey and I was barely anticipating anything special.

Once I approached the class room block, it looked entirely deserted

By that hour, most of the students were either doing their personal hygiene or sleeping.

I took the long flight of stairs up to the third floor where my class room was.

I walked through the hallway peeping through all the other rooms hoping to see someone but there was no one inside.

Once I approached the classroom, I entered and it was deserted except for the right corner at the back.

I didn't bother trying to find out who occupied the place so I just decided to move to the very centre of the room.

It was the very spot where Conan had transferred to for the rest of the school year.

Once I rested on the seat, I found it quite comfortable that I leaned in perfectly well.

I let my eyes wonder about the place until I noticed something rather unexpected.

Conan's locker was wide open and I could see a white piece of paper with blue and read linings at the ends.

It was a very interesting to my sight and I found it irresistable to sneak my hand inside to see what it was.

My desire to know what was inside was greater than my resistance to respect Conan's privacy.

I stopped in the middle of the way.

"I would be encroaching on his privacy, good boy friends don't do that." I thought to myself.

I folded my fingers into a fist and slowly withdrew my hands.

Along the way, I hesitated once again.

"Some one else might come along the paper and throw it." I thought to myself.

My hand slowly and uncontrollably moved inside and I got hold of the paper which felt oddly thick.

The moment that I pulled the paper outside, I noticed that it was no ordinary coloured piece of paper.

"A mail envelope!" I shockingly exclaimed.

"What is it doing here?" I asked myself.

Studying the hand writing that was on the envelope, it was a beautiful form of cursive.

I was forced to read what was written on the envelope.

P.O Box: #.

"It belongs to Conan, who would have sent it to him?" I asked myself and started to wonder.

When I turned the envelope around, I could see the lower end with the details of the sender.

I SEE YOU'RE BEAUTIFUL THE SERIES BOOK 1: FIRST LOVEWhere stories live. Discover now