~~~~SIXTY FIVE~~~~

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I opened my eyes and I was surrounded by Sera, Jackson and Katie.

"Where am I?" I asked them immediately.

"You are in the hospital." Katie replied.

"I tried to sit up and I felt some pain but I condensed it.

"Are you feeling any better young man?" I heard a male voice coming from the door.

Looking at it, I noticed that there was a tall man standing in a lab coat and wearing a stethoscope around his neck.

"Yes." I replied.

"I am Dr. Ehardt by the way." The man replied as he came up close.

"Your vitals weren't damaged in any way and your injuries were not so serious.

Luckily, you weren't badly concussed either and I believe that we can discharge you soon.

We ran tests on any form of contaminations that could be in your body.

There aren't any however, I expect you to rest frequently until you are fully recovered." The doctor said.

"Thank you Doctor." Mrs. Bell said.

"Sure, if you need me you can just dial straight to the nurse's station." The doctor said.

"Yes." Mr. Bell replied and the man turned around and left.

After his departure, I was able to recall everything that had happened before.

I turned my head to the side, feeling somehow disappointed.

"I am so sorry Nate." Katie said as she came up close to me.

"No, you shouldn't be, it is all my fault for putting you through all this." I replied.

"Don't say that, you are practically like family." Mr. Bell said.

I felt comforted so I smiled a little bit before I frowned again.

"I lost everything, I lost my home, I lost my family, I lost the love of my life." I said as I sobbed a little bit.

"There is still a chance at life." Katie said to me.

"What happened?" Mrs. Bell asked.

"It was Conan." I replied.

"What happened to him?" Jackson asked.

"He broke things up between the both of us, he ended our relationship." I replied.

"Why?" Katie asked.

"I was wrong in the first place, he just wanted to be normal, he wanted to be like every one else.

He never loved me, he never wantee to be queer." I replied.

"It is very thoughtless of him." Katie said.

"He never cared for my feelings at all." I said.

"I am so sorry." Mrs. Bell said.

"I then came out to my family and my mother, she did this to me." I spoke.

"That was expected but not being this ruthless as though you were a wild animal." Jackson said.

"Apparently, to her, I am a monster and that will not change at all." I replied.

"I am so sorry." Katie said.

"I feel so lost, at least even after what my mother did, I don't mind but what Conan did, it is impossible for me to settle with." I said.

"Come here." Mrs. Bell said as she sat down beside me on the bed and then pulled me in to a hug.

I SEE YOU'RE BEAUTIFUL THE SERIES BOOK 1: FIRST LOVEWhere stories live. Discover now